Unfavourable atmosphere for young lawyers

Remember as kids when almost everyone in primary school wanted to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer, because of the pride of place each profession has in the society. Now most of us who have scaled the rigorous and studious process of becoming a lawyer often wonder why things are not turning out the way […]

Unfavourable atmosphere for young lawyers
Unfavourable atmosphere for young lawyers

Remember as kids when almost everyone in primary school wanted to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer, because of the pride of place each profession has in the society. Now most of us who have scaled the rigorous and studious process of becoming a lawyer often wonder why things are not turning out the way we expected the legal environment to be; is it that the young lawyers are not hardworking enough to yield better results? Or is the legal atmosphere in which these young lawyers find themselves not encouraging enough?
Last week a senior lawyer when asked if the environment is conducive for a lawyer to practice and excel, replied in the affirmative and, I while I agree, I humbly beg to disagree, nowadays we are constantly reminded by our senior colleagues that young lawyers are not ready to learn, not hard working enough and only concerned about making money.
Which begs the question, if truly young lawyers don’t want to learn the profession why did we go to law school and burn all those midnight candles? Some from poor backgrounds still survived all the odds because of the dream that one day when they become lawyers things will get better, then one gets called to Bar and employed in a firm that pays N10,000 or N20,000 monthly; some don’t attend to the young wigs’ housing allowance or NBA levy, dues and other welfare packages, yet the young wig is expected to give he’s optimal best from 8am – 5pm or sometimes later.
I like to think that there is no dull or lazy young lawyer out there because those who are not fit and proper are not allowed into the fold of learned minds in the first place, if given the adequate motivation and encouragement young lawyers would surpass expectations. A young wig cannot be thinking of how to feed, cloth, transport and accommodate himself with N10,000 monthly and still give he’s best. It is not possible in the real world and such environment is not favourable or conducive for performance.
Some lawyers have taken to the social media to express this worry and concern about the plight of young lawyers; some even believe that the NBA has not really been helpful in sorting out these challenges.
I got the following comments from facebook on a post publishing of the public notice on stamp and seal:
 “…Just look at MBA and other medical associations, even the patent medicine dealers associations (chemist), they ensure protection to their members’ right from day one. For example, all attempts by the federal government to scrap housemanship for medical students, whereby each student receives N120,000 and above monthly, were resisted by MBA…” Odua Osita
“…Where is this NBA when you put effort and finance to be a lawyer? Do they give you even a quarter brief to get you started? What government policy have they influenced to the benefit of lawyers? Those in government employment are employed with no peculiar benefit. NBA that takes benefit from our dues should take example from doctors and nurses associations and place lawyers on the level of at least 2nd best paid employees…” Ruth Iomum Aorga
From these writers’ observations, young wigs in well to do law firms don’t make these complaint and they give their best for the interest of the firm, sadly there are not enough firms to employ majority of the young lawyers in the market. Young wigs are not asking for jeeps or money to build mansions but rather a conducive atmosphere to perform optimally and grow in the profession.
Every lawyer is gifted in his own way, there are advocates with keen interest in litigation, academicians with passion to teach the law, skilled draftsmen, corporate legal moguls, etcetera and each good in his own way. A young wig needs to find he’s rightful place in the profession and fit in, and the atmosphere plays a vital role in helping one discover were he’s passion really lies.

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