UNIMAID, final year students need assistance

In the pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence, final year students at the University of Maiduguri find themselves grappling with a unique set of challenges that extend beyond the confines of their academic endeavours. As the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and sleepless nights, the final year project is a crucial milestone for […]

UNIMAID, final year students need assistance
UNIMAID, final year students need assistance

In the pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence, final year students at the University of Maiduguri find themselves grappling with a unique set of challenges that extend beyond the confines of their academic endeavours. As the culmination of years of hard work, dedication and sleepless nights, the final year project is a crucial milestone for these students, but the hurdles they face in completing them are proving to be formidable. 

One of the pressing issues these students encounter is the unsettling accommodation situation during the final stages of their academic journey. The university’s policy of evacuating students from their hostels, collecting mattresses, and limiting the available rooms to a mere fraction is causing distress among the graduating class. Despite the abundance of rooms, a scant number are allocated, potentially jeopardizing the health and well-being of these students. 

Imagine the predicament of being on the brink of completing a significant academic project, only to face uncertainty about where to stay. This abrupt displacement not only disrupts the students’ focus but also raises questions about the university’s commitment to their welfare. The students, being under the authority of the university, deserve a more considerate and supportive approach. 

It is imperative for the university’s management to critically assess this situation and proactively provide a comprehensive solution. While the need for maintaining order and managing resources is acknowledged, the current approach seems to overlook the human aspect of these students’ lives. They are not just academic entities; they are individuals with families, dreams and aspirations. 

The decision to send them away without suitable alternatives creates a ripple effect that extends beyond the academic realm. These students find themselves at a crossroads, torn between completing their projects and dealing with the logistical nightmare of finding temporary accommodations.

The strain on their mental and emotional well-being is palpable, and the university must recognize the toll this takes on their overall academic performance. 

A call for empathy is not only a plea for compassion but also a plea for preserving the dignity of these young scholars. A revaluation of the current accommodation policy, coupled with a more inclusive and student-friendly approach, is essential.

By allowing students the stability and conducive environment they need to complete their final projects, the university not only supports academic success but also cultivates an environment that values the holistic well-being of its students. 

The University of Maiduguri has the opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to nurturing not just academic minds but also responsible and empathetic citizens. By addressing the challenges faced by final-year students, the university can pave the way for a more supportive and inclusive educational experience, ensuring that the journey towards knowledge is as enriching as the destination itself. 


Abdullahi Sani Umar can be reached via [email protected]