Universal Health Coverage: Africa’s leaders gather to launch new financing initiative

African Heads of State and Government, Ministers of Health and Finance, business leaders and global partners gathered yesterday ahead of the 32nd Summit of the African Union (AU), to launch a new initiative aimed at increasing commitments for health, improving the impact of spending and ensuring the achievement of universal health coverage across Africa’s 55 […]

Universal Health Coverage: Africa’s leaders gather to launch new financing initiative

African Heads of State and Government, Ministers of Health and Finance, business leaders and global partners gathered yesterday ahead of the 32nd Summit of the African Union (AU), to launch a new initiative aimed at increasing commitments for health, improving the impact of spending and ensuring the achievement of universal health coverage across Africa’s 55 countries.

With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development just over a decade away,  President Paul Kagame, President, Republic of Rwanda and AU Chair, convened the Africa Leadership Meeting: Investing in Health to encourage African governments and global partners, to translate commitments into measurable actions, align spending with country and continental priorities, and identify efficiencies that will improve millions of lives across the continent.

“Governments should surely be willing and able to increase domestic investment in healthcare. A good indicator of this is the progress we have made toward securing the financial health of the African Union and mobilising our own resources for joint priorities, such as the Peace Fund. We should be the first ones to contribute to efforts that directly benefit our people,’’ said President Kagame.

Moussa Faki Mahamat, AU Commission Chair declared, “We set ambitious health targets for 2030: ending epidemics and achieving universal health coverage for all. But the reality is that without substantial increases in domestic investment, and a radical change in the way health is harmonised to domestic and continental priorities, we will soon lose any realistic chance of reaching these objectives. Member States and Africa’s partners must reorient health spending and health systems to target the diseases across the life cycle that have the greatest measurable impact on mortality and human capital development. We have a responsibility to African citizens to increase our investments today and we must not turn our back on them.”

Since the Abuja Declarations in 2000 and 2001, Africa’s progress in improving health outcomes has been significant. Life expectancy has increased by more than a decade, deaths from infectious diseases like malaria have halved in Sub-Saharan Africa, and under 5 mortality rates have seen an increased rate of reduction.

However, enormous challenges remain. More than half of Africa’s population currently lack access to essential health services, and millions die every year from commonly preventable diseases. Meanwhile, only three AU Member States dedicate 5% of GDP to health, as set out in the Abuja declarations. Between 2016-16, 30 Member States increased the percentage of government budget invested in health, while 21 decreased their investment.

The new initiative is the first platform of its kind bringing together governments, business leaders and the global development community, to coordinate efforts and resources for health.

“I am tremendously inspired by this African-led initiative to boost investments in health across Africa,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “To end epidemics, strengthen health systems and deliver universal health coverage, we all have to step up our investments in health.”

The meeting saw public and private sectors, as well as donor governments, pledge up to US$200 million to help end epidemics and bring universal health coverage to all. Higherlife Foundation, the Government of Ireland and Government of France all committed to increased financing of health in Africa, with the Government of Japan tabling universal health coverage as an agenda item at the G20 Osaka Summit later this year, carrying forward commitment to and collaboration on health.

The Addis Ababa Call to Action will formally be adopted during this Summit with a Declaration read by H.E. President Kagame.