Unknown hidden powers of women against unfaithful men

The saying “knowledge is power” for those who sought it, is best situated in the issues of worries and emotional disturbance holding women to stand still. Most women in marriage for the umpteen time disregard the need to embrace peace and love to engage in quarrel bouts with their men.   “Peace and love make […]

Unknown hidden powers of women against unfaithful men

The saying “knowledge is power” for those who sought it, is best situated in the issues of worries and emotional disturbance holding women to stand still. Most women in marriage for the umpteen time disregard the need to embrace peace and love to engage in quarrel bouts with their men.  

“Peace and love make the world go round, saith the scripture’’ (John 3:16) and (1 John 4:16). In understanding the power of peace, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) slated 21st September of every year for the celebration of peace to underscore its importance in families, societies and world in general.   

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One cannot overemphasise the importance of peace in the homes of the Muslim faithful upon gaining entrance into their home. Assalam Alykum remains the first phrase altered in every Muslim home, which means “peace be onto the occupants of the home”.  

While many women remained ignorant of the hidden power of resolving marital challenges emanating from men’s indisciplined behaviour towards promiscuity. They have resorted to taking decisions that are not pleasant to their lives and well beings. Some commit murders and suicide to end the trauma, while others engage in a similar act of fornication as retaliation.  

In recent times the media have been inundated with ugly reports of negative tendencies being exhibited by women as a way of taking solace. A case in hand is the death of a mother of three kids, Barrister Mrs. Bassey in Calabar, Cross Rivers State of Nigeria where it was reported that the said woman ran into the husband in a shopping mall hanging out with a side chick. So, an attempt to accost the husband who sped off led to the fatal accident that claimed her life.

In an attempt to curb this ugly menace of infidelity in society it has been recommended that women draw solace from the plethora of principles inferred from the body of religious books and psychological facts.  

Finally, being always in a pleasurable mood and showing great respect by women to their men irrespective of the ugly situation in the marriage would assuage the men to rethink and backtrack to being responsive and well-behaved in the marriage. 

This has been proved psychologically as cuddling with the one you love triggers the brain to release oxytocin chemical that relieves stress and promotes a feeling of well-being and happiness. It also proved that men actually fall in love quicker than women and it is found to be biological in men.


Abdullahi Ocheja writes from Abuja