Unusual places people take a nap against all odds

We’ve all been there: so utterly exhausted by life’s trials and tribulations that we’d do anything for a nap. But few of us are so accomplished in the art of nodding off as the people in these photos. Travel, it would seem, has a particular way of rendering humans so hopelessly tired they abandon all […]

Unusual places people take a nap against all odds

We’ve all been there: so utterly exhausted by life’s trials and tribulations that we’d do anything for a nap. But few of us are so accomplished in the art of nodding off as the people in these photos. Travel, it would seem, has a particular way of rendering humans so hopelessly tired they abandon all their standards when it comes to comfort – as is the case with the many subway snoozers and airport sleep contortionists featured here.

Photo: Imgur-andhura 1123