‘Use grassroots-oriented style to end insecurity’

The executive director of the School of Articulation and Behavioural Alignment Resources, Dr James Komolafe, has advised the use of grassroots governance to address insecurity in Nigeria. Komolafe said this yesterday during the briefing by the Africa Youth Leadership and Culture Summit (AYLCUS) 2024 in preparation for their upcoming event that will draw over 5,000 […]

‘Use grassroots-oriented style to end insecurity’
‘Use grassroots-oriented style to end insecurity’

The executive director of the School of Articulation and Behavioural Alignment Resources, Dr James Komolafe, has advised the use of grassroots governance to address insecurity in Nigeria.

Komolafe said this yesterday during the briefing by the Africa Youth Leadership and Culture Summit (AYLCUS) 2024 in preparation for their upcoming event that will draw over 5,000 delegates from across Africa in May.

Komolafe said the government should adopt community policing to tackle insecurity, adding that it should be “a bottom-up approach, and not a top-bottom approach.”

Speaking on the planned summit, the convener, Quadri Adu Kehinde, said the aim is to create a cultural awareness and to restore their hope in the African motherland.

He said the summit will incorporate mentorship and empowerment sessions for business and other endeavours as a contribution to build the economy with the predictions that Africa is a demographic time-bomb if it becomes 40 percent of world population with 75 percent of them youths.

“Our beautiful culture can be found in the quality of our indigenous food, our music, our dance, fashion, entertainment and others,” he said.

“Therefore, African youth must begin to see themselves as the most blessed people on the planet earth, imbibe and promote our great culture which is so unique.”