Using Google Glass at the wheel is ‘as distracting as texting’ – Study

Research has discovered that using the tech giant’s hands-free headset makes motorist delay slamming on their brakes to avoid a collision.And this delay is similar to that caused when drivers use more traditional mobile devices.However, the Glass wearers were able to recover control of their cars faster and more effectively afterwards.The study, carried out by […]

Using Google Glass at the wheel is ‘as distracting as texting’ – Study
Using Google Glass at the wheel is ‘as distracting as texting’ – Study

Research has discovered that using the tech giant’s hands-free headset makes motorist delay slamming on their brakes to avoid a collision.
And this delay is similar to that caused when drivers use more traditional mobile devices.
However, the Glass wearers were able to recover control of their cars faster and more effectively afterwards.
The study, carried out by the University of Central Florida, asked 40 people in their 20s to drive in a car simulator either using Glass or smartphones.
 Their reactions were recorded when a ‘vehicle’ ahead stalled.
Psychologist Ben Sawyer, of the University of Central Florida, said: “Texting with either a smartphone or Glass will cause distraction and should be avoided while driving.
“Glass did help drivers in our study recover more quickly than those texting on a smartphone. We hope Glass points the way to technology that can help deliver information with minimal risk.”
The research is the first scientific study to look at using Google Glass to text while driving.
Distracted motorists are a renowned menace, with research in the US showing mobile phone use leads to at least 1.6 million crashes a year.
With the emergence of Glass and competitors, several states are considering banning drivers from wearing those technologies.