Uzodinma and the Mystery of Adoration Ground Prophecy

If Father Ejike Mbaka, the Adoration Prophet needs an image makeover, somebody should please pass him my contact details. In this era of #NextLevel taxation, one should never overlook a golden opportunity to make blessed money. The economic weatherman has declared that it is raining in Nigeria and some of us didn’t save for the […]

Uzodinma and the Mystery of Adoration Ground Prophecy

Senator Hope Uzodimma, Imo state governor

If Father Ejike Mbaka, the Adoration Prophet needs an image makeover, somebody should please pass him my contact details. In this era of #NextLevel taxation, one should never overlook a golden opportunity to make blessed money. The economic weatherman has declared that it is raining in Nigeria and some of us didn’t save for the rainy day.

A unique benefit of returning the APC at the center is the new tax regime without commensurate performance. Nobody has disproved that any day now, people without their Tax Identification Number, TIN, would lose their rights to operate bank accounts. The TIN is the new 666, the mark of the beast. You are required to obtain it and carry the evidence that you having it on you at all times. Woe betides the poor villager living on the monthly allowance of the account set up by his child during the last Christmas or Sallah holiday.

It doesn’t end there. Electricity tariffs are set to double. Although our elected representatives have given assurances that nobody would increase the darkness tax without their endorsement, you cannot take their assurances to the bank.

All these #NextLevel blessings cannot be compared with the increment in Value Added Tax, VAT. It moves from the five percent to 7.5%. That is settled deal as the President has accented the 2020 budget. Father Mbaka did not prophesy low inflation, so heaven help us all.

In all these, not even the Federal Government agrees that a N30,000 minimum wage is ideal. Most state governors who would find the money to hire jets for frivolous trips and gas up their fuel-guzzling convoys to break through traffic say cannot pay the new minimum wage. By the way, all those living on minimum wage are thieves. According to inflation indices, nobody could purportedly live on minimum wage and still enjoy minimum existence in any state capital.

For Hope Uzodinma, justice works in mysterious ways to grant him his heart’s desires. Even Imo people sometimes ask themselves – who is this Hope Uzodinma that is ever favoured by the courts of law on electoral matters? The man who has not been lucky in managing his so-called ‘nationwide’ business is lucky with polls results. After bankrupting his business, Hope somehow finds the cash to pay his way through elections and to finance heavy lawyers who somehow succeed in getting him his wish.

Even the omnipotent Google drew blank on Uzodinma’s biography except that he was born Nigerian in the sate he now governs. While Imo has erudite professors and men and women of letters, in the political arena, book knowledge doesn’t attract them forcing Google to draw blank on Hope’s educational background.

Files in the hands of the EFCC would have indicated that Uzodinma still has a case to answer in court. It did not disqualify him from running for office. Not many moons ago, Hope was accused of attempting to ferret money into the bank account of General Abdulsalami Abubakar via contracts awarded by Stella Oduah through the Nigeria Maritime Authority, NMA. That case, as they say – hung! The gods of the immunity clause would now prevent anyone from exhuming a cold case file linked to a ruling party kingpin.

Uzodinma is a prolific politician in whom the courts have always been well pleased. His company, Transhub Technical Consult Limited, has not been that lucky. The man got his first legalistic electoral victory over a young Osita Izunaso to earn the eternal title of senator of the federal republic. That was in 2011. It was, arguably, the first time Senator Uzodinma realized that when it comes to curing the favour of the gods of politics it is not necessary to work as hard as it is to work smart.

Uzodinma is a lucky political hustler having moved from the Alliance for Democracy to becoming a member of the PDP board of trustees to now unseating a governor of his old party to become a governor of the ruling APC.

This latest legal victory has brought out the pundits in most Nigerians, including those of us not versed in the confusing legalese that courts use to obfuscate the truth. These same knots for which lawyers despise Prof Farooq Kperogi’s objection to their being labeled the only learned professionals on planet job adjective. Idiots like me who couldn’t find the legendary value of ‘X’ in mathematics have been adding and subtracting the probable figures that induced milords the supreme court justices to validate the scriptures that installed Father Mbaka as Nigeria’s most adored prophet.

Father Mbaka knows that the first shall be the last. He knows that from him who has little, even that which he has shall be taken and added to the one who has more. Uzodinma who couldn’t, it would seem garner enough votes to be elected has now received magic votes to be declared elected.

Father Mbaka is as clairvoyant as any calendar tells a day and date. But in Nigeria, that’s enough to increase the pilgrimage to Adoration Ground and the attendant offerings. To Imolites, all hope is not lost. A peep into Emeka Ihedioha’s political evolution would reveal that hope truncated is far from hope denied.