VDT gets Digital Africa 2016 telecoms partnership

VDT Communications Limited has been announced as the latest information communications technology firm to get partnership for the 2016 Digital Africa Conference and Exhibition. The event which already received backing from key stakeholders in Nigeria’s ICT industry is an annual continental gathering of renowned ICT experts to discuss the development of Africa’s ICT sector and […]

VDT gets Digital Africa 2016 telecoms partnership
VDT gets Digital Africa 2016 telecoms partnership

VDT Communications Limited has been announced as the latest information communications technology firm to get partnership for the 2016 Digital Africa Conference and Exhibition.
The event which already received backing from key stakeholders in Nigeria’s ICT industry is an annual continental gathering of renowned ICT experts to discuss the development of Africa’s ICT sector and proffer solutions to the challenges limiting the continent’s technological advancement.
The exhibition is also part of tailored efforts at moving the continent from being a passive consumer to a dominant innovator and producer of digital technologies.
Bringing VDT Communications Limited into this alliance according to the General Manager, Digital Africa Global Consult (DAGC), organizers of the annual tech show, Ms Nneoma Ofodile was informed by the firm’s position as a Nigerian telecommunications company providing complete, turnkey solution to all data communication needs.