Vigilantes best to serve as state police – Captain Bakori

Commandant-General, Vigilance Group of Nigeria (VGN), Navy Captain Umar Bakori (rtd), has called on the 36 state governors and the FCT to help strengthen the group, saying it is the best alternative to state police. Bakori, at a press conference in Abuja yesterday, said: “We don’t need state police. Our men’s job is community policing, […]

Vigilantes best to serve as state police – Captain Bakori

FILE PHOTO: vigilante group

Commandant-General, Vigilance Group of Nigeria (VGN), Navy Captain Umar Bakori (rtd), has called on the 36 state governors and the FCT to help strengthen the group, saying it is the best alternative to state police.

Bakori, at a press conference in Abuja yesterday, said: “We don’t need state police. Our men’s job is community policing, community services and maintenance of law and order.

“We serve in our localities; we don’t transfer people from one state to the other or from one local government to the other.

“And we have our members in every state, every local government and every ward. We’re ready to assist the governors to protect the people by working closely with the army, police, civil defence and others.

“We have the advantage of being local, we know the nooks and crannies, and we know the terrain.”