Violence, injustice can’t be part of Islam – NASFAT

The Chief Missioner, NasruLlah-l-Fatih Society (NASFAT), Imam Abdul-Azeez Morufu Onike, has restated that NASFAT was ready to collaborate with International community to promote peaceful co-existence and good inter-faith relation in Nigeria and the world at large. He said that Islam is about peace, justice as opposed to injustice, mercy in contrast to cruelty, and goodness […]

Violence, injustice can’t be part of Islam – NASFAT


The Chief Missioner, NasruLlah-l-Fatih Society (NASFAT), Imam Abdul-Azeez Morufu Onike, has restated that NASFAT was ready to collaborate with International community to promote peaceful co-existence and good inter-faith relation in Nigeria and the world at large.

He said that Islam is about peace, justice as opposed to injustice, mercy in contrast to cruelty, and goodness in opposition to evil.

He spoke when the Ibadan Branch of the Society hosted the French Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Jerome Pasquire, as contained in a statement issued in Lagos yesterday.

Onike noted that injustice, violence, cruelty and evil acts can never be part of Islam even if the proponent is supposedly quoting from the Scriptures.

According to him, the society already has existing partnerships and collaborations with local and foreign NGOs, embassies and High Commissions such as the Carter Center in the US, among others on areas such as Community wellbeing, girl-child education and rights, women’s right, widows’ empowerment.

He also said that the society has been collaborating with UNICEF on its project on ending violence against children campaign; Cardinal Onaiyekan foundation for Peace in the area of Intefaith relations; British High Commission on topical issues bordering on socio-economic development etc.

The Ambassador in his remarks hailed NASFAT for its role in promoting the correct teachings of Islam and clearing misconceptions about the religion.

He acknowledged NASFAT’s efforts in Promoting Education and promised to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Society’s University, Fountain University Osogbo.

Representative of Fountain University, Prof. Goke Lalude said French language is one of the compulsory languages taught in Fountain University, and that the University is looking forward to fruitful collaboration with the Embassy and French Universities.