Vocational education as a game changer

It is a crucial time for relevant bodies to assist the educational sector and save our economy…

Vocational education as a game changer
Vocational education as a game changer

It is high time both state and federal governments make it  compulsory  for the learning of  vocational subjects in our junior secondary and senior secondary schools to be a major requirement for admission in our higher institutions.

This is because it prepares young minds with useful technical intelligence to live in our modern society.

Making vocational subjects as a mandatory requirement for entry into higher institutions can contribute in solving unemployment problems and restructure employment issues facing the nation. It will  also re-orient Nigerian youths to focus on innovation and creativity for the development of the country.

It is a crucial time for relevant bodies to assist the educational sector and save our economy  and fight poverty and insecurity such as kidnapping, robbery and other violent crimes across the country.

Considering vocational subjects as a mandatory requirement of securing admission into higher institutions will transform all our higher institutions into skills acquisition centres.

The rule that made it mandatory for Nigerian students to have credits in English and Mathematics before they could proceed to higher institutions should therefore be changed to possessing credits in any of the vocational subjects to enhance the talents of our youths and for the progress of the nation.


Abdullahi  Adamu  can be reached through [email protected]