Vultures of the Northeast (II)

‘As you can see’ I lifted the placards to show him what I wrote on some of them, ‘we are calling them by name and asking the government to prosecute and jail them, just to show that the days of naming and shaming are here.’ I boasted. ‘You are right Bint and this is truly […]

Vultures of the Northeast (II)
Vultures of the Northeast (II)

‘As you can see’ I lifted the placards to show him what I wrote on some of them, ‘we are calling them by name and asking the government to prosecute and jail them, just to show that the days of naming and shaming are here.’ I boasted.

‘You are right Bint and this is truly a noble cause. Suddenly I don’t feel resentful of what you were doing rather than being my weekend morning companion. I fully understand the need to expose and humiliate the people behind the corruption in the war-ravaged Northeast. I mean look at the condition of their victims, the people they are stealing from, and you know that we are dealing with the most heartless of human beings.’ Tahir concurred. 

‘Sometimes I think even the word heartless is putting it mildly. I can’t seem to think of a word that can perfectly describe someone who witnessed you losing everything, your home, your earthly possessions, your source of livelihood, your privacy and even your family members sometimes; and yet all he could think about is doing away with the little aid that comes your way by way of good Samaritans.’ I lamented.

‘Vultures’ Tahir exclaimed in response, ‘you’ve got the perfect word already Bint. Only vultures wait till you are dead before they visit their own atrocity on you. This selfish, unscrupulous and evil-minded people waited until their poor compatriots were down and out, the victims of a murderous insurgency they did nothing to create, before they pounced on them.’ He added.

‘Yes Hubby dear, vultures seems a perfect word for them. The most amazing thing is they are quite a group too. I mean, on the one hand are the government officials who award themselves dubious contracts in the name of PINE (Presidential Initiative for the Northeast) and on the other are the countless NGO workers, who collect money for humanitarian work but pocket most of it. Reports show that rent has skyrocketed in Maiduguri lately because of all the foreign and local NGO people who are ostensibly there to facilitate the rehabilitation and resettlement of internally displaced people, but who divert the funds to private use. Why would any NGO need to pay a 40 million naira rent in Borno state? Even in Abuja, it takes a real highbrow mansion to attract that kind of rent, yet in Maiduguri that is a common phenomenon today. And it’s all because so much money has been raised or budgeted to resettle the victims of the insurgency which never gets to them. This is why we wish to mobilise all well-meaning Nigerians to join us in campaigning for an immediate and thorough investigation into the activities of both foreign and local NGOs, as well as any government officials fingered in any wrongdoing in the Northeast. We must deal with these vultures decisively, in order to show the world that selfish, inhuman people like them deserve all the humiliation they get.’ I replied. 

‘And don’t forget to call for the head of all those mentioned in connection with sexual abuse of women in IDP camps. You know that medical doctors have warned that HIV is very prevalent in those camps because of the exploitation of female IDPs by so-called humanitarian workers and uniformed men.’ Tahir advised.

‘Oh my God, how much more must this people suffer? First, they were hounded from their homes by brutal murderers, some of them witnessed the very killing of their loved ones, then they trekked through rocks and bushes for days in order to find safety. Safety turns out to be their new homes in IDP camps. As if all that isn’t enough the women end up being raped and inflected with the deadly disease. What a life, what a tragedy. May Almighty Allah grant them relief in His own special way from these travails.’ I prayed.

‘Amin to that Bint. But at the press conference, you must remember to call for double punishment for all those who diverted IDP funds to other uses because that’s the least they deserve for the pains they inflicted on people who are already in pain. Once again, I am with you if you need more hands to carry your placards and for sure I will mobilise my friends too. Any thing is worthwhile if it means dealing a hard blow to the vultures of the Northeast.’ Tahir concluded, with passion. 

‘Thank you so much Hubby dearest’ I said, laying my hand on his, ‘I really appreciate your support.’