Vultures’ picnic

I suggest we stop using the name ‘Boko Haram’.  Each time we use that name to describe the new franchises of terror that have descended on Nigeria, we belittle the problem, and reduce it to a sick joke.  The current perpetrators of terror in Nigeria are not interested in who attends the white man’s school […]

Vultures’ picnic
Vultures’ picnic

I suggest we stop using the name ‘Boko Haram’.  Each time we use that name to describe the new franchises of terror that have descended on Nigeria, we belittle the problem, and reduce it to a sick joke.  The current perpetrators of terror in Nigeria are not interested in who attends the white man’s school and who doesn’t.  That era probably ended in 2009 shortly after the extrajudicial killing of Malam Mohammed Yusuf, and some of his key lieutenants.  The real Boko Haram was a benign group who believed that western education had done much damage to the way God had ordained society.  And they were partly right.  The irresponsible adoption and misinterpretation of western education and values is why Nigeria has become the global HQ of corruption and greed today, or as described by Greg Palast in his new book, ‘Vulture’s Picnic’, ‘a toxic toilet!’  What the original Boko Haram did not do was balance its views by recognizing many good things that western education had done, like modern medicine, and of course, the lovely cars that Mohammed Yusuf drove.

Some other jigsaws.  In no time, and as confirmed by Professor Emeritus Jean Herskowits (a writer for the US Council of Foreign Relations), that initial Boko Haram was hijacked by those who know exactly what to do with terrorist organizations, and those who are bent on dismembering the nation of Nigeria.  We have seen many so-called intellectuals in Nigeria pooh-pooh Professor Herskowits’ widely circulated article (see ), and many journalists and columnists made great efforts to shut out their minds to what is at least a very clear possibility.  For anyone who cares to think, it is obvious that the emergence of Boko Haram, provided whoever is seeking the collapse of Nigeria, a great opportunity to turn a mouse into a lion.  Mrs Herskowits did mention that there are at least FOUR groups who have been carrying out terror in the name of so-called Boko Haram.

Now we also know that most northern governors have been paying ‘ransom’ to the group in order to keep their states safe.  The dastardly incident in Kano was supposedly because of failure to pay by the current governor.  Is that true?  Some have said the Federal Government should ‘negotiate’ with Boko Haram.  Some have begged for amnesty for them.  But how do you negotiate and grant amnesty to people who have killed so many innocent people?  It is obvious that this campaign of terror has been by far more costly in innocent lives, than what the Niger Deltans did in their time.  But more importantly, who does government negotiate with?  Local dissidents of Boko Haram, or the interloping, highly sophisticated intelligence people, who are well versed in mixing up dangerous chemicals and detonating them in crowded areas?!  Some people want Nigeria to become a Proper Terrorist State, and now they have their wishes…  The USA for one predicted that Northern Nigeria will become PAKISTAN by 2015 or so, and it is certain they are working towards it.  It is left for any thinking person from the north to shout out loud and beg them not to take their region down that route!

For Pakistan today is not having it easy at all.  The role that almighty USA has carved for Pakistan, in its ongoing ruthless conquest of countries, is the role of ‘terror plaything’, as well as the purchaser of weapons.  Pakistan has tried hard to be in the good books of the USA, but is easily set down the path of destruction when the USA deems it proper to so do.  Pakistan today is trying to dis-link from the USA and find other friends (notably China), but the USA is not letting go so soon.  That country is in a quandary as we speak, with high poverty rate, and self-inflicted terrorism – just as Northern Nigeria is predicted to evolve. Hmmm.  The USA usually Uses and Dumps!

One could look at the current terrorist problems of Nigeria from several angles. For those who have read and imbibed Sun Tzu’s Art of War, it is clear to see that the strategy is multi-pronged.  What we have on hand is partly religious, partly tribal, partly political, partly economic, partly international, partly racists, partly local… and what have you?  There is a tiny group of religious extremists who are offered a platform to vent their brand of terrorism in Nigeria, using this Boko Haram excuse.  There are politicians on all sides trying to play games and gain advantage over opponents.   There are those sponsoring the terror in order to create opportunities for government to order huge amounts of arms and ammunition (and Nigeria has been purchasing bundles of them lately, see this

There is definitely an international angle to this.  There are racists, some of whom are weapons dealers, who just cannot bear to see the most important country in Africa succeed thereby giving ideas to the rest.  There is also a major part being played by foreign intelligence, in collaboration with some of their local dissident counterparts, all in a bid to ensure Nigeria remains confused.

Nigeria has been signing all sorts of ‘pacts’ and ‘agreements’ with every other western country because of this security challenges.  We have essentially relinquished our sovereignty.  Was that the predetermined destination in this chess game?  Do they have us where they want?  I was scandalized when I saw the article that my big Oga and friend, the current NSA, wrote to the USA, as published in the Washington Times (for good reason), and as culled by Daily Trust (we are the best).  See  In no uncertain terms, the NSA called the USA to come and ‘partner’ with Nigeria ‘while there is still time’!  In diplomatese (the language of diplomats), that is but a surrender!  Maybe we don’t have a choice but to compromise and totally capitulate to the USA.  But when I read further around the subject, I found that such ‘cooperation’ with the USA, would naturally include the adoption of ‘targeted assassinations’ especially with DRONES!  Pakistan here we come again.  In the North of Nigeria, many areas are densely populated and we must never allow drones to start bombing our innocents to death.

Therefore Nigerians signed the most important of the agreements just this week.  With almighty USA. And thankfully our only Nobel Laureate, changed his rhetoric from ‘Nigeria is certainly heading for civil war’, to ‘No need to take reprisals… We must unite’.  I laughed.

The IG of Police was changed.  But the president’s cry for help keeps reverberating in my head.  I think we have dismissed too quickly, his admission that members of the executive, legislature, judiciary, intelligence services etc, are all part of the armada of terror that has descended on Nigeria.  I don’t envy the man at all. What he told us, in no uncertain terms, is that he is in prison… Just as the rest of us Nigerians.  If you cared to look in the skies, you will see vultures circling, waiting for their lunch…