WAI Brigade urges mass sensitisation

The War Against Indiscipline (WAI) Brigade has advocated the need for a nationwide mass sensitisation for attitudinal reorientation to help the nation drastically reduce the level of indiscipline and other anti-social behaviours. The brigade also expressed the readiness and commitment of its members nationwide to join forces with other government agencies to support the government […]

WAI Brigade urges mass sensitisation
WAI Brigade urges mass sensitisation

The War Against Indiscipline (WAI) Brigade has advocated the need for a nationwide mass sensitisation for attitudinal reorientation to help the nation drastically reduce the level of indiscipline and other anti-social behaviours.
The brigade also expressed the readiness and commitment of its members nationwide to join forces with other government agencies to support the government in sustaining its renewed fight against corruption, encouraging decent public conduct and making the nation great again.
Comrade Gabriel Adeoye, the Lagos State Commander of the WAI Brigade stated these at the annual WAI Brigade program and patron investiture in Ikeja, Lagos.
Noting that corruption and anti-social behaviours are now prevalent in the country, Adeoye said that it would take a very determined government, mass enlightenment campaign and re-orientated public, to stamp the twin vices out.
 He added that WAI Brigade officers and men were on ground in the entire 774 local government councils across Nigeria.
 “Our officers and men are well trained, disciplined and battle ready to support the current government which has shown a great level of preparedness and seriousness towards the fight against corruption and indiscipline,” he said, adding that the brigade would help the government to actualise the agenda.
According to Adeoye, “The endemic level of corruption and indiscipline in Nigeria is worrisome. The reports all over the nation are discouraging and only a very determined government can reverse the trend. To achieve this, the government needs the support of the entire nation as well as dedicated organisations like WAI with gallant presence in all local areas.
“For instance, the campaign against corruption can be very effective through nationwide aggressive enlightenment programs, punishment of offenders and national commendation for good examples. The War Against Indiscipline in the 1980s was a classic example of orientating the people towards fresh cultural reorientation and attitudinal renewal. In inculcating discipline in public places, Nigerians learnt to queue at bus stops, petrol stations, banks, shops and even at water taps. The WAI Brigade volunteers are ready and committed to assist the Buhari administration on this crusade. It will not happen overnight but it is achievable.”