War against fake drugs: Any hope?

Speaking at a public function recently in Abuja, the Director General said, “the war will be taken right to the domain of fake drug dealers. The current strategies shall be revived in order to attain complete eradication of the menace of fake drugs. As a result, the agency shall broaden access of our people, even […]

War against fake drugs: Any hope?
War against fake drugs: Any hope?

Speaking at a public function recently in Abuja, the Director General said, “the war will be taken right to the domain of fake drug dealers. The current strategies shall be revived in order to attain complete eradication of the menace of fake drugs. As a result, the agency shall broaden access of our people, even in rural areas, to safe and efficacious drugs as well as wholesome foods”.

The above assurance given by the DG to me is gratifying judging from his educational background and experience gathered from here and abroad.  As someone who studied medicine in Russia and law in the United States of America, I think he is well groomed for the job and good results should be expected from the Agency very soon. I take interest in the activities of NAFDAC and other health institutions in the country as a victim of fake drug application. Two years ago, precisely in year 2007, February 16, I purchased ampicilline capsule from a chemist and nearly lost my life if not for the quick intervention of doctors at Bengola clinic in Kaduna, where I was rushed to for admission. With the coming of Dr. Paul Orhii, I would want to solicit the support of the government to assist him in acquiring sophisticated equipment and also engage more qualified personnel to do the job. So far, according to reports, many fake drug manufacturers have been arrested. My problem here is what is the penalty for these evil manufacturers and sellers? I think the agency should recommend to the National Assembly more stringent measures to be meted out to these evil ones in our society.

With the assurance that the over 140 million Nigerians are stakeholders and active participants in the task of safe guarding public health, I believe that the war will soon yield fruitful results as NAFDAC personnel are now stationed in China and India to inspects drugs coming into Nigeria. These two countries according to the DG are notorious for the manufacturing of fake drugs in the world.

Johnson Epue, No. 4 Bissau Street, Sabon Tasha, Kaduna