War begins in the heart of men so does peace – Somto Chukwu

Weekend magazine: How do you combine work and marriage?Somto Chukwu Nwachi Aloye: Work and marriage are two different things that inter-play. When you get married to someone who understands your vision it’s easy. My husband’s vision aliens with mine, most of the things I was able to achieve are those things he wishes to achieve […]

War begins in the heart of men so does peace – Somto Chukwu
War begins in the heart of men so does peace – Somto Chukwu

Weekend magazine: How do you combine work and marriage?
Somto Chukwu Nwachi Aloye: Work and marriage are two different things that inter-play. When you get married to someone who understands your vision it’s easy. My husband’s vision aliens with mine, most of the things I was able to achieve are those things he wishes to achieve too.  Since he wasn’t able to achieve them he encourages me and supports me in every area of my endeavor so it makes it easier for me. I just know when to use my time and when to put other things in place.
WM: How do you intend to combat discrimination, intolerance and violence while embarking on restoring peace in the society?
Somto: It’s something I have always done. I am a very humble person; I don’t discriminate against the poor. For me everyone is equal in the sight of God. Whatever religious background they come from, their social status, it is immaterial, what matters is the heart of the individual, what they are able to give to the society even when they don’t see it, and you try to bring it out in them. My motto is: ‘I see good in everyone’ no matter who the person is. An armed robber has good in him; you can only find the good to be able to work on the person. When you make someone know they are good they will be able to work on the good and leave the bad behind.
WM: Since the idea of war begins in the heart how do you intend to build defences of peace in the society?
Somto: War actually begins in the heart of men so does peace also begin in the heart of men. If you are a peaceful person it comes from within and if you are a troublesome person it also comes from the heart. We are trying to feed peace into the hearts of people starting from the younger generation. Everything about change should start from our generation and from there we can work on the older generation.
WM: Some areas have had outbreaks of cholera and other health difficulties; how do you hope to impact on such places?
Somto: I intend to go to the grassroots level and provide the basic amenities needed. When I see people going through hardship I feel the pain. I intend to seek for funds, write to government for assistance and do anything within my power to see that social amenities are provided in rural areas. There are still villages which have never seen the ray of light or known of hospitals being in existence. When it comes to water most of them depend solely on stream water so we try to locate this people and offer them assistance.
WM: You recently received an award from UNESC0. How many awards have you received so far?
Somto: I have received so many awards like awards for positive contribution towards cultural enhancement, for leadership example, for positive national presentation, for grassroots peace initiative, for peace global loving citizen, ambassador for peace award and three times award for participation received on behalf of Nigeria.  
WM: How do you intend to combat terrorism and improve cultural heritage in the country?
Somto: Cultural values help to promote peace and it upholds the principles and values of each ethnic group. Improving cultural values will have to start from states where festivals are not celebrated and make them see the importance of such celebrations. In each state you find more than 10 tribes, we could make them work together to celebrate thereby enabling each tribe showcase their heritage, culture and values. Each tribe would interact and share ideas which will bring about peace in each state. We must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation then we would all be able to stand out and fight for our nation in unity.
WM: What advice do you have for people out there?
Somto: Those who are well to do should please try to go to the grassroots and assist because those who don’t have anything are those who are easily influenced and used for massive destruction. Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated; it is also a dream for the wise, a game for fools, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor. Life is very sweet when we build good relationships with people around us and show them love, but when we destroy those around us life then becomes a misery. Not every problem can be solved with money. Real change will never happen until we realise what needs to be done for that change to take place and learn to take up responsibility that will make a great difference. There are two people in this life. The ones who grow stronger from their experience and the ones who die from their experience but the third type is still there the ones who choose to love the fire and choose to stay because they are happy they know about their pain.  We should be able to grow stronger from our experience and build a great future and a better society form it.