War on Ukraine: Putin not ready for dialogue – UK

The United Kingdom (UK) has disclosed that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is not willing to end his war on Ukraine anytime soon following the recent rave of attacks on Kyiv. While addressing foreign journalists in London, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), said Putin had not shown any sign to suggest he wants […]

War on Ukraine: Putin not ready for dialogue – UK

Ukrainian recruits undergoing training in southern England under the Operation Interflex programme ahead of deployment to the frontline back in Ukraine

The United Kingdom (UK) has disclosed that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is not willing to end his war on Ukraine anytime soon following the recent rave of attacks on Kyiv.
While addressing foreign journalists in London, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), said Putin had not shown any sign to suggest he wants dialogue.
“We are clear that Russia could end this war by withdrawing its troops now. However, there is no sign that President Putin is giving up on his desire to subjugate Ukraine but he is doing that despite the high cost to his side in terms of the huge number of casualties that the Russian military is suffering, the huge loss of equipment and the long term damage that is being done to the Russian’s economy,” it said.
While noting that the war was having global consequences, the FCDO said “the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine is a tragedy for Ukraine and a threat to Europe and its security.
“The effect of the war is felt around the world in terms of food prices, energy crises and increased inflation.”
Also, the FCDO said Russia’s recent rave of attacks shows that it is bent on subjugating Ukraine by all means.
“Putin thinks he can outlast the West in this conflict but he is wrong. We know what the war is costing us, and we know the war is costing others too but we are clear that because of the long-term cost of Russia’s disregard for Ukraine’s sovereignty, we need to continue supporting Ukraine,” it said.
It expressed dismay that the Russians would likely increase their attacks on Ukraine with the winter here, saying at least 75 drones attempted to hit Kyiv in the last weekend of November.
The FCDO, however, said the Ukrainians have been making headways, clearing Russian minefields and deep fortifications.
“Ukraine has made progress and it’s important to note that it has recaptured almost half of the territory that Russia illegally seized since the beginning of this conflict.
“Russia has been unable to defend several places across the land front,” it said.
It said Ukraine had also made some strategic gains away from the land front, saying it had destroyed many Russian ships, regained a part of the Black Sea and forced Russia to take a different tactical approach to the war.
“The toll of the war against Russia is striking, the Russian forces are weakening at a significant rate.
“Russia has suffered between 240000 to 290000 casualties which is more than what they suffered in 10 years of Russian occupation of Afghanistan.
“Russia also lost a huge number of equipment in the process,” according to the FCDO.
The UK government said to continue to prosecute the war, Russia is making deals with countries which he had previously sanctioned as a member of the UN Security Council.
It emphasised the need for countries and international organisations to increase the pressure on Russia to end its assault on Ukraine, saying Putin’s aggression on Ukraine will create a bad precedence if allowed to stand.
Also, the UK government said it would continue to starve Putin of the funds he needs to prosecute his war on Ukraine.
The UK said it, along with its partners, had issued many sanctions against Russia which had reduced the impact of its war on Ukraine.