Ways to prevent liver disease

Hosea felt nausea and fatigue regularly for several weeks. He later noticed that his abdomen was swelling and that he was losing weight fast. He went to see a doctor who asked him to do some blood tests and a scan. The  diagnosis of liver disease came to him as a shock. Mrs Jemila, 40,  […]

Ways to prevent liver disease

Ways to prevent liver disease

Hosea felt nausea and fatigue regularly for several weeks. He later noticed that his abdomen was swelling and that he was losing weight fast. He went to see a doctor who asked him to do some blood tests and a scan. The  diagnosis of liver disease came to him as a shock.

Mrs Jemila, 40,  said her five year-old-son’s diagnosis with liver disease started when he had malaria. The family treated him with herbal medications until they noticed he was urinating blood. He got better with treatment and she vowed to be careful in the use of herbs on her children.

According to Dr  Obekpa Solomon, a senior registrar at the Gastroenterology unit, Benue State University Teaching Hospital (BSUTH), Makurdi, liver disease generally refers to every disease that affects the liver, “that is every infection or everything bad that affects the liver,” he said.

He said liver diseases has many causes, adding that the most common form of liver diseases are infections.

He said the commonest cause of liver infection in the environment is Hepatitis – a viral infection referred to as viral hepatitis. They include A, B, C, D and E hepatitis viruses.

The physician said the second commonest cause is alcohol. Other things that could cause it are drugs, herbal medicines, and these days obesity.

“Gaining too much weight, which we call fatty liver contributes to liver disease. In the western world, the common causes are alcohol and obesity. Herbal medication -’agbo’ concoction is a factor which causes acute liver diseases more than any other.

“Taking unprescribed drugs anyhow. Even paracetamol overdose can affect the liver,” he said.

Medical experts at Mayo Clinic said another cause of liver disease is immune system abnormality – meaning that diseases in which your immune system attacks certain parts of your body (autoimmune) can affect your liver. Examples of autoimmune liver diseases include, Autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

They said an abnormal gene inherited from one or both of your parents can cause various substances to build up in your liver, resulting in liver damage. Genetic liver diseases include hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease among others.

Cancer and other growths can also cause liver disease. Examples include: liver cancer, bile duct cancer, liver adenoma. Other common causes of liver disease include chronic alcohol abuse and fat accumulating in the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease).

The medical experts said complications of liver disease vary, depending on the cause of your liver problems. Untreated liver disease may progress to liver failure, a life-threatening condition.

Dr  Solomon said in the initial part of liver disease, there are no symptoms. “As I said earlier, that the most common form of liver disease in our environment is hepatitis, those with hepatitis at the initial stage don’t have any symptoms.”

He said the second part of it is that the symptoms are non-specific, meaning that it could look like other things.

He said: “At that level, the sufferer maybe feeling weak – sick – there will be some level of fever, body weakness. Malaria can cause that as well as typhoid. But at the final stage when the liver has gone very bad, that is when they have specific symptoms which we refer to as decomposition liver, meaning that the liver cannot perform its function again. The person may have jaundice – colour changes to yellow. It is also presented with abdominal pain at the right side, abdominal swelling and the legs will be swollen.

“Sometimes, at the end stage of liver disease, the sufferers would start behaving irrationally, they would become aggressive and people will be saying they have psychiatric problems. In fact, in the village, they would start beating some people that they are witches when they have end stage liver problem. The sufferer would be behaving abnormally. It affects the brain. At the end stage, not much can be done medically again.”

The medical expert said liver disease is highly preventable. He said  hepatitis is a common cause of liver disease and it is on the increase.

“For hepatitis B, I advise that everyone should test themselves because there are non-specific symptoms so that it can be prevented early. Those who tested negative can take the vaccine which is available and the best way to prevent hepatitis B. As for hepatitis C, the prevention which is basically life style modification can be used for B also. The infection of hepatitis C is gotten by blood and blood product so people should avoid sharp objects that bring them in contact with blood.

“In the villages, through circumcision, they use one sharp unsterilised instrument to circumcise many children together. People also do manicure with unsterilised items, in the barbing saloons.

“Some people share tooth brushes. The gums may expose blood and another person could get infected. People should avoid any thing that may expose their blood to someone else’s blood. Just the same way we prevent HIV, we can prevent hepatitis B and C.

“I will also add that hepatitis cannot be contacted by sweat, sharing of clothes, drinking of water from the same cup, sharing of the same spoon, plate, food and bed. It is mainly prevented by avoiding blood contacts such as unprotected sex.

“Though lots of people will debate alcohol, but excess alcohol can cause injury to the liver. Thirdly, people should avoid excessive weight gain by doing exercise and watch the types of food they eat. People should avoid herbal concoction and unprescribed drug,” Dr Solomon advised.

Treatment for liver disease depends on your diagnosis, some can be treated with medications, lifestyle modifications, such as stopping alcohol use or losing weight, and surgery among others.