We have trained 25,000 youths, 15,000 farmers — Leventis Foundation

Give us a background of what you do at the Foundation. The Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) is a charitable company dedicated to training of farmers in modern and sustainable agricultural practices and rational use of natural resources. The Foundation has been running agricultural training for youths and farmers since 1988 and currently has six schools in […]

We have trained 25,000 youths, 15,000 farmers — Leventis Foundation

Give us a background of what you do at the Foundation.

The Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) is a charitable company dedicated to training of farmers in modern and sustainable agricultural practices and rational use of natural resources.

The Foundation has been running agricultural training for youths and farmers since 1988 and currently has six schools in different agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. The schools located in the FCT, Osun, Ondo, Kaduna, Kano and Gombe states are co-financed by Leventis Foundation and the respective State Governments. All the Schools offer training to young people (male and female) desirous of making a career in farming. The comprehensive one-year training exposes the participants to several areas of agriculture and other farm businesses.

The objective of the training, which is ‘free of all costs’ to the trainee, is to create in Nigeria, generations of committed young practical farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs who will act as catalysts for agricultural revolution in their communities. The training program is targeted majorly at the unemployed with little or no knowledge of the practical aspect of agriculture as a form of job creation for interested participants to become agribusiness entrepreneurs.

How will you assess your agricultural programs in Nigeria since 1988, when the foundation started vis-à-vis what the foundation is doing in Ghana?

 Leventis Foundation Ghana runs a similar programme with that of Nigeria especially in the aspects of its training modules. An assessment of the Foundation’s agricultural training program has shown that a significant number of farmers have benefitted from is program and have become successful agricultural entrepreneurs with a robust knowledge of farm management both in Nigeria and in Ghana.

In Nigeria, the 10th year evaluation showed that over 70% of the trained youths in LFN programs were active farmers while about 15% were into agro-allied ventures like sales of agro-chemicals, while some were employed in government or private enterprises.

 So far, how many young Nigerians have you been able to train in various aspect of agriculture?

 From 1988 till date, Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) has so far trained over 25,000 Nigerian youths in the regular one-year training programme and about 15,000 farmers in the specialized short courses.

 Do you also link your trainees to access finance, which is a major challenge for many youths in Nigeria?

 In the course of training the program, the trainees are exposed to business plan development, sources of grants and loans and how to access such funds. In addition, the foundation operates a micro credit scheme which trainees benefit from upon graduation, particularly for those trainees with robust business plan.

 You have six agricultural training schools spread across Abuja, Osun, Gombe, Kano, Ondo, and Kaduna. What informed your choice of these locations?

 Leventis Foundation (Nigeria) is a Non-Governmental organization and requires funds for its operations. We partner with state governments to setup the agricultural training schools. In this regard, the schools located in various states are as a result of the responsiveness and commitment of those states to partner with the Foundation. The funding of the schools is based on an agreed ratio between the Foundation and the collaborating state government. The foundation is always looking out for ways to expand our operations and is more than happy to establish new schools in others state of the country if the State Government of such states are willing to do so.

 What are the training components that you give the students?

 The training we offer in different aspects of agriculture is 80% practical and 20% theory. Our trainees go through a comprehensive agricultural training in four major areas of agriculture namely:  Crop Production and Agroforestry, Animal LivestockProduction and fisheries,  Rural Enterprise Development and Agricultural Engineering and farm mechanization

 Do you have partners? If yes, what role do the partners play in the foundation     activities?

 The foundation partners with both private and public organizations in an effort to deliver on our set objectives and expand our reach, while also improving on the quality of service we deliver. Of note are the collaborations between the foundation and the state governments of states where our schools are located to establish the training schools in the various states. State Governments provides the site for the school and the necessary infrastructure and facilities for the school to operate successfully. We also receive technical assistance from institutions, particularly research institutions and universities, to improve on our work.

 What role do you play in your trainees’ activities after the training?

The training schools organize refresher courses for graduates of the schools and other farmers from time to time, particularly so when there are innovations that will benefit the farmers. We provide extension services and technical back-stopping to farmers. We also help to link our ex-trainees with sources of inputs (quality seeds), provide information on services they could benefit from with regards to expanding their operations e.g. bank loans. We have already mentioned our micro credit scheme. We also link ex-trainees to already established big farms that are looking for trained farmers to work with.

 What criteria do you use in selecting the candidates for this training?

Admission into our one year agricultural training programme is open to both male and female candidates. Intending candidates should fulfill the following conditions among others: Be physically fit, Ability to read and write in English (evidence of minimum of secondary school leaving certificate may be required, Aged between 18 and 35 years and pass both written and oral test prior to final selection. The candidate  Should also demonstrate perceivable interest in agriculture and  Proof of a farming background is an advantage.