We need a bank in Bakori

I wish to use this medium to appeal to the Nigerian banking community to consider opening a bank in Bakori, Bakori Local Government Area of Katsina State. At the moment, there is no bank in the town and as a result of that, residents and natives of the area travel to other places, mainly to […]

We need a bank in Bakori

I wish to use this medium to appeal to the Nigerian banking community to consider opening a bank in Bakori, Bakori Local Government Area of Katsina State. At the moment, there is no bank in the town and as a result of that, residents and natives of the area travel to other places, mainly to neighbouring Funtua and Zaria in Katsina and Kaduna states respectively to make transactions.

Bakori has many sons and daughters engaged in public and private enterprises and they require banking services. Also, the town has two big markets for grains and cattle which operate twice in a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Transactions in these markets exceed N500 million every week. I call on banks to explore the business potentials in Bakori.

Lawal Yusuf Bakori wrote from Bakori Local Government Area, Katsina State.