‘We use carrot and stick approach to enforce environmental standards’

How effectively are you implementing your mandate in Cross River State?NESREA came to the state in 2012. Within this period, we have succeeded in stamping our presence in the consciousness of the people and firms through our deliberate sensitisation programmes. We have been able to collaborate with the state ministry of environment, NGOs, National Parks, […]

‘We use carrot and stick approach to enforce environmental standards’
‘We use carrot and stick approach to enforce environmental standards’

How effectively are you implementing your mandate in Cross River State?
NESREA came to the state in 2012. Within this period, we have succeeded in stamping our presence in the consciousness of the people and firms through our deliberate sensitisation programmes. We have been able to collaborate with the state ministry of environment, NGOs, National Parks, animal protection and conservation societies and others that are into environmental issues. Within this short period, too, the quarry sector has felt our presence because we have really enforced environmental rules on some facilities. When we first came the impression was NESREA is another of such agencies whose impact will soon fizzle out.   As we have clamped down on some defaulting quarry firms in Akamkpa Local Government Area of the state, that sent a strong message to others. They are beginning to have self-monitoring and abide with specified environmental standards. It will surprise you to learn that even before we got to Setraco company, they got themselves the necessary standard requirements and documentation.

Were these quarry firms endangering environment?
It will interests you to know that quarry is the main issue when it comes to degradation of the environment. This is because those involved in quarry business extract from the ground and don’t replace it; they blast the rock, crush them, quarry them for different purposes. After these they will leave dangerous mine pits behind without filling them.  Polluted and mine waters will settle and spread into the environment. These are impacting on the environment. Every activity of man impacts the environment.  But our main concern is: how do we minimise the impact on the environment so that we can sustain it in such a way that posterity can still come to benefit from resources accruing from the earth? We may not completely eliminate the issues of pollution or degradation.

There are lots of quarry firms in Akamkpa LGA, how many of them have you actually sactioned?
We have sanctioned six quarry firms which did not keep to environmental standard rules. There are two still adamant. The agency is going to handle them appropriately.

Haven’t these firms complied with EIA Act?
For every developmental project, the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Act says EIA must be conducted. I said earlier that quarry is one major reason for degradation. So for all quarry business to commence, we stress that they must conduct EIA beforehand. This will inform whether the project is likely to harm the environment and to what extent; what are the mitigating measures that can be adopted to forestall grave impact?    After the conduct of any EIA, the federal ministry of environment has the mandate to coordinate the study. They will issue a certificate for Environment Impact Standard (EIS) which will state the possible impact which the operation will have on the environment and what measures to take.

What are the concerns of NESREA now that the rains are here?
Naturally, flood will come during rainy period, so also will landslide and erosion. Even before now, especially after the 2012 national flood disaster, NESREA has taken upon itself to intensify sensitisation campaign. As we are not a project-oriented agency but that of enforcing the law and creating awareness to effect attitudinal changes, we believe when we have right frame of mind, understanding and apply best practises, then, some of these issues can be better handled. We don’t do this all alone. We have created NESREA clubs; we collaborate with faith-based organisations as well as relevant government parastatals. During the World Environment Day in June, we were able to visit many secondary schools where we enlightened the students and teachers as a way of effecting attitudinal change.

What do you do with adamant citizens who refuse to leave dangerous neighbourhood threatened by mudslide and erosion?
As we work in collaboration with other government agencies, we push so that government takes appropriate action.  Where it is most necessary we enforce the law by taking court action. We do often use the carrot and stick approach in such cases.

There is so much sound, fume and waste pollution. How does NESREA come in?
There are music shops all around the corner playing music to attract buyers. They easily tell you that they do so to advertise their wares.  We have reason to also approach churches, but they said that they should be allowed to worship God in the way they pleased, forgetting that by so doing they have become a nuisance!  We have advised them to worship in such a way that they do not hurt neighbours. We shall not clamp down on churches. We shall rather fall back on the carrot. Maybe, in future, top management of NESREA will direct the use of the stick.

Do you have charge over devastation of the ecosystem, forest properties and water resources?
To check violation of water resources is not within our jurisdiction.  But we enforce all environmental laws, both extant and ancient. We have regulations that cut across varied sectors.

Does NESREA have power over endangered animal species?
We are enforcing laws that will protect endangered animals from individuals or corporate bodies. Our findings show that it is mostly the locals who kill these endangered animals.  We have arrested some foreign nationals who attempted to smuggle or steal some specimen of animals, artefacts, corals etc. Though, we haven’t made any arrests yet in Cross River State.