Weaving the foreground of a projected life

Book: Breath into the future     Author: Haruna Yusuf Abba         Publisher: Unico Printing Press Ltd Pages:  151  Year of Publication: 2021    Reviewer: Dickson Salami Adama   The various comments by highly respected members of the society have spoken greatly about the book ‘Breath into the Future’, and all they […]

Weaving the foreground of a projected life

Book: Breath into the future    

Author: Haruna Yusuf Abba        

Publisher: Unico Printing Press Ltd

Pages:  151 

Year of Publication: 2021   

Reviewer: Dickson Salami Adama


The various comments by highly respected members of the society have spoken greatly about the book ‘Breath into the Future’, and all they said were in line with what the author has penned down. Though there are broader dimensions of the book, the thoughts of the author can be further x-rayed.

It is instructive to mention what was said about the book upon its publication and public presentation. The Deputy Director of the Federal Ministry of Education, Mrs Okolo Faith Alewo, said the book is one of a kind, and that the author’s outstanding nature helped in putting the work together. 

Others who bore their minds on the book included Prof. Dakas C. J. Dakas, Prof. Nanven Gambo, pioneer VC Karl Kum University, Prof. Sani Malami, Prof. Sebastain Mimako immediate past VC of University of Jos, Hajiya Lami Sadiq, Bureau Chief Daily Trust-Kaduna, etc. All their praises followed same trend, and it was a sort of compilation of the author’s personality, upbringing, doggedness and exemplary lifestyle for the youths. 

And as expected, Abba injected his personality into his memoir. A significant aspect of the memoir was his political career, which he beautifully crafted, and it is the pivot around which the memoir revolves because it passes a great message to the youths. 

Propelled by the passing of ‘Not-Too-Young-To-Run’ into law, the author decided to delve into the murky waters of politics. He then contested in 2019 for the seat of the Plateau State House of Assembly to represent Jos North/North Constituency.

Surprisingly, Abba happened to be the youngest candidate to contest the election under a party that was not popular. Yet, he sprang surprises with his vigorous campaign, mass mobilization and widespread acceptance. He was 25-years-old then and he still came 8th out of the 22 contestants from different political parties.

The author in chapter 10 of his book titled ‘Against the Run of Play’ spotlights the challenges he encountered during the contest, he explained that the challenges were more than what he imagined or envisaged. Of course, he mentioned the age factor which plays a major roles in Nigerian politics, the godfather factor, money politics, mistrust/betrayal, among others.

From the aforementioned, it was obvious that the author’s note at that point was that of disappointment and demoralization as he bares his mind and experience on the election. Similarly, the author in chapter (nine), put up his published interview explaining that he wasn’t quitting politics despite the outcome of the election. In the interview, the author spoke with mixed feelings but made great effort to stimulate the people’s enthusiasm, and in effect preaching the message of hope, determination, motivation, encouragement and spirituality. 

So, even though chapters 9 and 10 had a mixed tone, the author ensured he tactically made his operative message known in order to put the thematic concept of the book in perspective. 

In chapter 10, the author said, “Through it all, I never borrowed strength nor indulged in fakeness to win the fragile hearts of the people, but maintained my ardent stance on issues-based politics, intellectual engagements, and value-based campaign.”

In the same chapter, the author reiterated his stance that he believes he has set the footsteps for youths to follow, with respect to policy making and policy implementation for the benefit of the younger generation and the generation yet unborn. 

Abba stressed that the youths have a role to play in politics and that the importance of the youths supersedes thuggery, praise-singing and being errand boys because he is sure that ‘by 2023 there would be a lot of positive youth participation in the political arena’ by God’s grace. 

Abba has undoubtedly ‘Breathed into the Future’ not for himself alone, but for the youths in general. For sure, no statement in the book probably directs compelling attention to the book title as these statements.

It’s left for the youths to take a cue from Abba’s narrative and run with it believing that nothing is impossible.

Though Abba hasn’t won an election yet, he has with this book spoken into his future and has tailored his activities, programmes, lifestyle, public association to achieving his dreams. This is obviously the motivation the youths aspiring to involve not only in politics, but businesses, careers and other engagements in life.

Funnily, in the book there is a picture flyer of Abba seeking for the governorship seat  of Plateau State. He looked younger there with a striking babyface. All these conjure up a picture of a young man who had a steady focus, and it’s only a matter of time to see how everything unfolds.

Technically too, the author revealed his growing up years, the challenges with the incessant ethnoreligious crises in Jos which has polarized the city, as well as his place of birth, Angwan Rogo in Jos North, which was then reputed as a notorious community with stubborn youths. With these interwoven tough background upon which the author grew, he attempted to bring to the readers’ attention that he was able to keep his focus alive and against all odds considering the challenge of his environmental upbringing.

This 151 page memoir comprising of 12 chapters has hit the book space with a palpable force, it is expected that the memoir will stimulate encouragement in youths to serve their country and be hopeful.

In doing so, however, there’s room for improvement in terms of the book publication, page planning as well as other pertinent book quality requirements.