Welcome to the Cold Room

These are trying times in academia. So, Pastor Dr Boniface Igbeneghu was caught in the act. Spewing rubbish that does not befit an academic that he is. Turning logic on its head. “But that (having sexual affairs with students) is not good ooo”, the girl teased him. “What is not good?”, our Dr retorted. “But […]

Welcome to the Cold Room
Welcome to the Cold Room

These are trying times in academia. So, Pastor Dr Boniface Igbeneghu was caught in the act. Spewing rubbish that does not befit an academic that he is. Turning logic on its head. “But that (having sexual affairs with students) is not good ooo”, the girl teased him. “What is not good?”, our Dr retorted. “But won’t the lecturer be favoring the female student in question”, the girl queried. “Of course, that is the benefit”, Dr Boniface said confidently.

Sex-for-grades is one of the endemic problems bedeviling the academic world. So famous is it that a single university in the whole of Nigeria cannot be singled out from the menace. Ninety-five percent of our lecturers across various institutions are guilty of this phenomenon.

When an institution allows females to dress in the most indecent manner, and calls that civilization or freedom; totally wages a war against those who chose to dress decently, then what are our expectations. You see a lady half-clothed in the university environment, what do you think that would result to. Are the lecturers inanimate?

My position in essence is that it’s about time we review how people are dressed in the society in general and the university environment in particular. Not all sexual molestation and rape cases are instigated by dressing mode; that I understand. There are some greedy and randy lecturers who want everything under skirt. However, ninety-five per cent of these sexual intimidations are precipitated by indecent dressing.

It is difficult to differentiate between the A gotten with good brain from the ones gotten with big butt. Sexually transmitted degrees abound. There are just many sides to this phenomenon. The recruitment process in the university system is also adding salt to the injury.

Mediocrity rather than meritocracy is the order of the day. So, how does a lecturer who does not parade the necessary qualifications and integrity expected of an academic protect academic integrity and value? It takes a less qualified lecturer nothing to inflate marks and grades since he also rose to the position per chance.

From any perspective we see it, one thing is sacrosanct: sex-for-grades is evil. Thus, it must be tamed with immediate effect. It is one of the many factors contributing to the state of quagmire Nigeria finds itself today. You see people with enviable academic qualifications who cannot defend it in the labor market.

Beneficiaries of sex-for-marks or sex-for-benefits are the ones operating in different MDAs of government. So, sex-for-undeserved-benefits is rife across board, and it must be eliminated if this country must witness progress and know peace!

Abdullah Abdulganiy,  University of Ilorin    [email protected]