What a director told me to make me start acting — Maryam Magarya

Why do you bear Maryam Magarya on stage?I do so because as the tradition of the Hausa movie industry entails, one either gets his or her stage name from either his or her first movie or the first company he or she worked with. When I newly joined the industry I got registered with Magarya […]

What a director told me to make me start acting — Maryam Magarya
What a director told me to make me start acting — Maryam Magarya

Why do you bear Maryam Magarya on stage?
I do so because as the tradition of the Hausa movie industry entails, one either gets his or her stage name from either his or her first movie or the first company he or she worked with. When I newly joined the industry I got registered with Magarya Production and that was how I got the stage name Maryam Magarya and everybody now refers to me as such.
I was born 19 years ago at Kawo in Nassarawa Local Government Area of Kano State and I grew up in Bompai Police Barracks. After my primary school I went to Government Girl’s Secondary School, Albasu and later moved to Federal Government Girl’s College (FGC), Kano, where I sat for my SSCE.
My early childhood was really exciting, we were taught respect and contentment with the little we have. While growing up I have never thought for a day that I would want to be an actress even though I watch films a lot. I am that kind of a person you may want to call a movie addict. As a young girl then, I had no preference on what movie to watch. I watched anything worth watching. I guess my addiction to watching movies is what led me into the Hausa movie industry as an actress; and this is what I do for now.

How did  you join the industry?
As I told you earlier I had no intention of becoming an actress, after completing my secondary school I made friends in the movie industry, and as a friend I usually accompanied them to various movie locations within and outside the state. Gradually, I began to see and appreciate the whole aspect of movie making. However, that did not triggerthe zeal in me to become an actress until when I was asked to demonstrate a role during the shooting session of one of the movies that one of the cast could not do what was needed of her to do. I demonstrated quite well and the director told me that I could be a better actress if I can give it a try. I remember his words vividly “You are such a good actress if you must know; why don’t you give it a try?” he asked me.
The question kept ringing in my subconscious, I thought of what the director had said to me and that instant made me develop interest in becoming an actress; I told myself if a movie director can notice the potentiality in me, then I don’t think it is wise to waste that potential. That was when I told my mother that I wanted to join the Hausa movie industry. I received a mother to daughter lecture on the intrigues of life and we went together to the production company where I got registered and she personally signed my engagement letter.
In a nutshell, I ventured into the movie industry in a formal way and I am happy that I have done that. Since then, it has been movies for me, and to me it is a profession that I cherish even though I have plans to proceed with my educational carrier.

How did you handle the resistance from relatives?
Even though I had got my mother’s consent before joining the movie industry, I did actually face some kind of resistance from members of my family for the simple reason that the movie industry is being wrongly perceived. To many people who happened to be outside the industry, it is a hub for miscreants and dropouts. However, it is natural in every aspect to find the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly; but that does not mean everybody can be classified in one category.
I did all I could to make them see reasons on that aspect and lucky enough for me, they came to terms with my reasons. Presently, I received commendations from them on a role I played in a movie. And I tried my best to see that they do not regret allowing me to be part of the movie industry.

What challenges did you face in the movie industry?
First of all, it is apparent that I am very new in the industry and being very young as I told you I just clocked 19, I found it very difficult to relate with older colleagues even though they treated me with respect and as their equal. Another issue is that of my incorporation into the click within a short period of my joining the movie industry, you know as humans you can’t rule out envy and other issues. I really face a lot of such incidences but thank God I was able to overcome them.
Similarly, within the short period I was able to be part of two TV series and over 7 movies. I am the lead character in the yet to be released movie title Babban Direba which happens to be late Comedian Ibro’s last movie. Presently, I am one of the leading character in the much talked about movie Sarki Abdallah which everyone believes is going to be a very big blockbuster.

What are your plans on educational pursuit?
Education is my priority, right now. I am processing for admission into one of the tertiary institution in the state. However, I have already  made plans on how I would programme myself in the way that both two important aspects in my life won’t collide. But I really want to go back to school and that has always been my parent’s wish.

Are you into any relationship now?
Relationship! I don’t think I am into any serious relationship now because I am not ready for it.