What! An ATM shocks its users?

This to call on the urgent attention of the management of Eco Bank to observed strange behaviour of one of its ATM cash points in Zaria, and to take steps to fix it need. The ATM machine in its branch in the Kongo Campus of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria occasionally shocks its users. I […]

What! An ATM shocks its users?
What! An ATM shocks its users?

This to call on the urgent attention of the management of Eco Bank to observed strange behaviour of one of its ATM cash points in Zaria, and to take steps to fix it need. The ATM machine in its branch in the Kongo Campus of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria occasionally shocks its users. I witnessed this myself last week and had a shock of my life. I complained to the bank’s staff but was told that water from the early morning rain could have seeped into the machine, and a clearer and the sun would dry it out. But the same thing happened just this Saturday.
I also asked questions and this time got no answer. It didn’t rain that Saturday morning, and didn’t the day before either.  The Management of Eco Bank should please take this issue seriously. If this continues, there may be more grievous things to complain about, and no one wants such a scenario to happen.
Hence, the EcoBank ATM machine in the Kongo campus, ABU Zaria should be fixed and the electrical and electronic issues sorted out so it would stop shocking its users, most of whom are students, before it causes more severe consequences
Halilu Hassan, Zaria, Kaduna State <[email protected]>