What does happiness mean to you?

Most people are of the opinion that happiness comes when they have lots of money. But then, the question they fail to ask themselves is what happens when the money is gone or if there is no money. Happiness can be said to be the feeling that comes when things are going well. LifeXtra sought […]

What does happiness mean to you?

Most people are of the opinion that happiness comes when they have lots of money. But then, the question they fail to ask themselves is what happens when the money is gone or if there is no money.

Happiness can be said to be the feeling that comes when things are going well.

LifeXtra sought to know what happiness meant to different people.

Dadson Ibrahim, who resides in Jos, told LifeXtra “According to psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.”

He added “Happy mental states may reflect judgments by a person about their overall well-being. These include good health, money, and good wife material. Above all, have God as your happiness.”

Elijah Mopa Anika said faith and hope were the key issues for him. Stating his reasons, he said “Because with hope, I know I have something to be happy and live for, and with faith I know I can venture to have them hence my sorrow is always short-lived.”

Stephen Chucks, an unemployed graduate, says “Happiness comes when you are satisfied with your life and the people or things that make up your life. You can sleep well at night knowing that you are living the best life you can get. For example, right now I’m not happy with the Nigerian system because I am unable to get a job but I find happiness in my family and the wonderful friends I have.”

Olajire Oyekunle, a motor spare parts dealer, says, “Happiness doesn’t have a true and single definition. It differs from person to person. What makes me happy may not bring happiness to another person. I am happy when my business is flourishing. I am also happy when I remember my wife and children.”

Halima Musa, 31-year-old teacher, says “Happiness cannot be measured through how much money you have, how popular you are or how much you have achieved. Happiness comes from within. It’s knowing who you are and being yourself. It’s about being content with the people and things you have around you. It’s all about appreciating and enjoying each day as it comes.” 

According to an article ‘The Difference between Success and Happiness’ on blog.makingitclear.com, “Happiness is a feeling. It can be triggered by external factors – a friend, a lover, a place, an event, a food or a drink – but it comes from inside ourselves. We can choose to be happy, even if things around us are chaotic and we’re all alone.”