‘What govt should do on wheat’

Alhaji Musa Shehu Sheka is the acting chairman, Kano State chapter, of the Wheat Farmers Association of Nigeria.In this interview with Golden Harvest, he suggests steps that government should take to scale up wheat production in the country. Excerpts: Let’s begin with your view about wheat production in Nigeria. Do you think the country is […]

‘What govt should do on wheat’

Alhaji Musa Shehu Sheka

Alhaji Musa Shehu Sheka is the acting chairman, Kano State chapter, of the Wheat Farmers Association of Nigeria.In this interview with Golden Harvest, he suggests steps that government should take to scale up wheat production in the country. Excerpts:

Let’s begin with your view about wheat production in Nigeria. Do you think the country is making gains in wheat production?

I want you to understand that wheat is an international political crop produced by the world super powers and almost for the past 20years, more than 70% of wheat consumed in Nigeria was imported.Therefore throughout all this long period, the country was spending a lot on subsidy.

It is of recent that the present administration showed interest and is putting effort in wheat production. So, to me, it is now that we are expecting gains with government’s commitment to wheat production through the Anchor Brower programme of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

What are the issues affecting wheat farmers in Kano State?

There are many issues that affect wheat farmers in Kano but to mention a few: (1) lack of enough certified seeds in the hands of farmers is affecting wheat farming in Kano. (2), absence of mechanized farming tools is also affecting wheat farmers. There is also lack of training on modern farming strategies and best agronomy practices.

 How will describe the state government’s support to wheat farmers?

Kano State government’s support to wheat farmers is very impressive and cordial.Through the association, we received recognition and support from the government at various capacities. For example, the government granted us interest-free loan of N100 million during the 2015/2016 programme of wheat production to buy seeds and distribute to farmers. By 2016/2017 another N100 million was given as loan to farmers to buy more seeds, totaling N200 million.

Also, two combined harvesters were purchased by the state government and dedicated to the Wheat Farmers Association to ease harvest activities in the state. The state government also stood as guarantor to the association to procure a loan of N18 million to buy a cleaning and sorting machine for farmers.

In addition, we have been given a building free-of-charge for storing our grains. These are some of the state government’s assistance to the wheat farmers association to boost wheat production in the state.

How many farmers do you think are producing wheat in the state?

About 150,000 farmers are producing wheat in Kano State.

What is the state’s potential for wheat production in terms of capacity; and what is the current production level?

We have the potential to produce wheat on about 250,000 to 300,000 hectares of land in Kano but the current production level is about 25,000 hectares with an average of 3 to 4 tonnes per hectare.

Are you comfortable with the performance of wheat in the market?

We signed MoU with the millers as off-takers and the open market is impressive only that price instability is discouraging, but as at Friday, a bag of wheat sold at between N18, 500 and N20, 000 depending on the variety.

What area(s) do you think government at all levels should intervene in wheat production?

We need government intervention in many areas such as encouraging research centres to develop foundation seeds. Government should allow importation of seeds from the countries we have same ecological land or climate. It should also take measures to have price stability to harmonise with off-takers market and we want the government to also intensify on the Anchor Borrower programme conducted by CBN. We believe if these issues are address, significant success will be recorded in wheat production not only in Kano but across the producing belt of the country.