What has life taught you?

Life is a teacher and surely has its ups and downs. As individuals, we get to learn a lesson or two everyday of our lives. Nothing in life is static. Womanhood takes a look at some of the life lessons that have made us better individuals.  Bolanle Kadir, 39-year-old accountant, says “Life has taught me […]

What has life taught you?

Life is a teacher and surely has its ups and downs. As individuals, we get to learn a lesson or two everyday of our lives. Nothing in life is static. Womanhood takes a look at some of the life lessons that have made us better individuals. 

Bolanle Kadir, 39-year-old accountant, says “Life has taught me that not everyone that flock around you is truly your friend. It has also taught me that we keep learning on a daily basis so one has to be ready always for the teachings.”

Hauwa Sani, 42-year-old architect, says “Life has taught me that what anger can’t give me, patience will give. This I have learnt over a period of years. I have lost a lot in anger which I always regret when I reflect on life. Life has taught me to be patient and that God is all knowing and does things at his perfect time. Life has also taught me not to look down on anyone. Most times those who are looked down on are those that we turn out to look up to.”

Asmau Suleiman, 41-year-old lawyer, says “Life has taught me that success is the best revenge. As a young girl back then people didn’t really give me any encouragement. My step mum saw nothing good in me and I was left all by myself to prove my worth. People will always throw stones at you, but it depends on how you brace up and use those stones to build yourself into a success story. Life is never a bed of roses; it’s either you use it to build a wall where you are blocked or you use it as a stepping stone to forge ahead in life. I have learnt to see every criticism or challenge in life as a stepping stone to my success.”

Bridget Stephen, 39- year-old entrepreneur, says “Life has taught me to always talk to my God no matter the situation I may be going through or how long it takes. Life basically teaches us that whatever we are going through in life is just a trial as life is in phases. Life has also taught me to mind my business, no matter what. Life has also taught me that nothing lasts forever. Whatever goes up will surely come down. Nothing in this life is permanent.”

Life has taught me that no matter what we do as individuals we can never please everyone. It has also taught me that no matter how nice or humble we might be, there will still be people out there that would not like you for any reason and would try everything in their power to tarnish your image and bring you down. When people behave like they don’t like you believe them. Don’t take people for their words rather take note of their body language.”