What is the perfect Christmas Day?

Before and above everything else, we first need to appreciate that Christmas is all about the Christmas spirit and being in it. Without the Christmas spirit, there would be no Christmas at all. It is also good on Christmas day, to remember the reason behind our love for Christmas. For some of us, it is […]

What is the perfect Christmas Day?
What is the perfect Christmas Day?

Before and above everything else, we first need to appreciate that Christmas is all about the Christmas spirit and being in it. Without the Christmas spirit, there would be no Christmas at all. It is also good on Christmas day, to remember the reason behind our love for Christmas. For some of us, it is the fact that we can share the day with family and friends and the absence of them makes Christmas empty. For some, it is going to church and reflecting on the essence of Christmas and the birth of Christ. Yet for others, it is the fact that the year ends with such enlightened atmosphere amidst jubilations as a result of Christmas.  All these perspectives contribute to how everyone spends the day December 25th.

“Christmas is a time that lightens up the entire atmosphere, so, I like to decorate my environment,” said Lydia Ahmed. “Even though I would have started week before, I find myself still putting finishing touches throughout Christmas day. By the time I am done, it is too late to do anything else. The only thing I get to do is to listen to carols and watch a movie or two.”

For 11- year-old Turaya Ali, spending Christmas day with her family is always a pleasurable experience. “I believe that everybody should endeavour to spend Christmas day with our family because that is what Christmas is all about. It is the day in the year when my parents and all of us eat together and we are all calm and happy. I look forward to opening presents because some things that I asked of my parents during the year that they turned down are usually there. Christmas is very special for me because it brings my family together.”

Tina Aje reserves Christmas day to eat all she has deprived herself of during the year. “I love to eat on Christmas Day and make a big show of it. It is the only day I am not watching my weight and really do let myself go. I begin my day with a large tub of vanilla ice-cream and chocolate cake before I get down to more serious meals like pounded yam and the likes. That day is dedicated to feeding my stomach until I am tired of eating.”

“I make sure I spend Christmas day everywhere else except my house,” said Lucy Adama, adding “it is boring staying at home with the same family that you see year in and year out. Christmas day is the day I have a breather from them. I go out visiting other families whom I will definitely meet at home because they are spending time together.”

Inyang Ekang thinks the ideal Christmas day has to be spent with the inclusion of a big Christmas breakfast and dinner, followed by curling up for a snooze on the sofa and then watching some football or wrestling show on TV. “I avoid going out and enjoy the serenity of my house, television and kitchen.”

I find volunteering in church as a great way to spend Christmas day, said Elohor Akpotor. “This is the way I have spent Christmas Day for the last five years and I have found it very, very fulfilling. It makes my time worth the while to help the less privileged to make Christmas a meaningful season. The fact that they can partake of what I and other volunteers have to offer gives me satisfaction that I cannot describe. This for me is the real beauty and essence of Christmas.”