What next for kaduna bar?

On May 22nd 2015 the NBA Kaduna Branch held a monthly general meeting at the premises of the Kaduna State High Court. A reconciliatory resolution was passed on ways to bring about the end of the crisis lingering in the branch for close to two years now, the concessions made to reach such settlement would […]

What next for kaduna bar?
What next for kaduna bar?

On May 22nd 2015 the NBA Kaduna Branch held a monthly general meeting at the premises of the Kaduna State High Court. A reconciliatory resolution was passed on ways to bring about the end of the crisis lingering in the branch for close to two years now, the concessions made to reach such settlement would not be the topic of our decision, rather the way forward and how young lawyers can help in moving the Bar is the main focus of our discussion.
When the people are allowed to decide great things are accomplished, the current administration under the leadership of A. Iroagalachi Esq though turbulent due to the division in the branch is finally coming to an end, and another election is to be conducted to determine a new leadership, which begs the question, ‘would the majority of the branch be allowed to decide who the new executive committee would be or would few individuals be the ones to decide the fate of the majority? Would young lawyers who were hit most in this crisis be allowed to freely decide who they want to represent them for the next two years?
One school of thought is of the opinion that the primary cause of the crisis in the branch is not in the disagreements that occurred but because only 49 ‘wise men’ {as they were called then} were given the mantle to choose a chairman of the branch on behalf of 800 lawyers in the branch. Another school of thought is of the opinion that it is the presence of different factions in the branch that brought about the crisis as every side wants to be at the helm of affairs.
Both schools have an element of truth, but then, we cannot let a bad yesterday ruin a good today, just as Nigerians got tired of the untold hardship inflicted upon us by the Peoples Democratic Party and voted change, the same can be done to salvage the branch.  Instead of choosing leaders based on personal interest, we should be allowed to choose a leader based on merit and credentials, irrespective of political differences as long as he would take the Bar forward.
In my humble opinion, young lawyers in the branch are not being encouraged to do exploits and explore their potentials beyond their limit, there is no exposure to practice law as done in other developed jurisdictions in the county. Young lawyers in the branch are hardly exposed to other money making avenues of law other than litigation; even in litigation, how many young ones can boast of a Supreme Court appearance? How many young lawyers in the jurisdiction participate in activities organised by the national body like the Young Lawyers Forum Summit conducted each year? This and many more are the reason why young lawyers should not be disenfranchised at the forthcoming election of the branch; we have a right and a say and we want our voices to be heard.
Young lawyers right now are desirous of a leader devoid of personal interest, one who would bring Kaduna Bar to limelight in positive ways, one who can implement the reforms of the president of the NBA, Augustine Alegeh {SAN}, in our branch, who can put an end to touting in the branch and care for the welfare of young lawyers in the jurisdiction. Who that person is, I cannot say but we should be given the opportunity to decide for ourselves.
It is only when true democracy is practiced at the forthcoming election that any meaningful development can come to the branch, we must depart from the traditional ways of doing things, our elders and seniors must understand that young lawyers also hold a stake in the Bar. There should be respect for the opinion of every lawyer irrespective of his number of post call years – in simple words, equal opportunity should be given to all concerned, then Kaduna Bar would be great.
The common man looks up to lawyers, we must not disappoint in the way we conduct our affairs.
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