What Nigerians think about broom sculpture at Abuja City Gate

The construction of a giant sculpture broom, which is the symbol of the All Progressives Congress (APC), near the city gate of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, has received mixed reactions. Daily Trust sought the views of some Nigerians.   Gyang Kaneng Juliet, 24, Teacher, Jos The giant culpture of a broom at the city gate of […]

What Nigerians think about broom sculpture at Abuja City Gate

The construction of a giant sculpture broom, which is the symbol of the All Progressives Congress (APC), near the city gate of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, has received mixed reactions. Daily Trust sought the views of some Nigerians.


Gyang Kaneng Juliet, 24, Teacher, Jos

The giant culpture of a broom at the city gate of the FCT has shocked and alarmed most Nigerians. For it to be erected at such a strategic position in the nation’s capital, it is obvious that there must have been approval by an authority, and not just any authority. Except if the erectors are saying the symbol is like any other we see on the streets and not that of the ruling political party. I as a Nigerian see this as an unjust act. The reality is, it is uncalled for at this moment and will in no way better the lives of citizens of this great country. It is also a shock that the ruling party has said it has no knowledge of it. If they are unaccountable for such a huge development, I wonder who we can hold accountable.


Bridget Adikwu, 28, Admin Officer, Abuja

I think it is a total waste of money and resources. Having the sculpture of a broom at the city gate and not anywhere else but at the Federal Capital Territory gate does not mean the party will win the forthcoming elections or not. That shouldn’t even be the priority now. As the ruling party, they should be more concerned about how to have peaceful elections, and if necessary, peaceful transition, and not some meaningless broom symbol. What do they want to prove? The country needs visionary leaders and not some broom-carrying group of people that will end up decorating the whole country and not just Abuja, if re-elected into power.

Leaders should be concerned about creating jobs for the youths, especially at this point in time. They should think of things that will give the party more credit and make the electorate want to vote for them. This symbolic broom does not add any value to our economy or help the growing unemployment rate. It is totally useless.


Kashim Ibn Yakubu, 41, Lecturer, Kano

Erection of a sculpture is not entirely wrong. The problem with the broom is its location. For it to precede the city gate, a national landmark, speaks volumes. Those comparing it with the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty are only doing so out of political mischief. The structures cited are not political symbols. They are edifices built by institutions and governments and not political parties. However, if I were to be the party, I will immediately relocate the symbol far from the gate. It is sad how fixated on symbols our parties have become to the detriment of pertinent issues. Today it is the broom, tomorrow it may be a pen, a book, or an  elephant.


Akinwande Gabriel, 27, Student, Ikorodu, Lagos

It is improper to have the broom sculpture considering the fact that we are a few days to the elections. It should not have been done because we operate a multi-party system. The Federal Government should not manipulate things in its favour, and it should not put the country in a state of confusion. This project should not have been done in order to avoid enmity among political parties. I implore the Federal Government to take necessary action and remove the symbol.


Stephen Amedo, 56, Civil Servant, Agege, Lagos

A broom is the symbol of APC, the party in power. What the broom is telling you is that Nigeria is in confusion, is contaminated and corrupt. The APC broom stands for clearing the mess. So, having it at the entrance of Abuja shows that the future is bright after all, though Abuja belongs to all of us, it is the nation’s capital and nobody can claim possession of it. The symbol represents the party in power and the APC is the one in possession of that power.


Ahmed Balarabe Sa’id, 44, Media Trainer, Kaduna

The erection of a broom sculpture at the nation’s capital city gate is a huge embarrassment and should be condemned by well-meaning Nigerians. It is a desecration of that particular social space and the significance. The gate represents the unity of Nigeria above partisan politics, ethnic, religious or other divides. Those behind it could do better putting such structure at the party secretariat, and they have done a disservice to the president and the ruling party in this lavish, extravagant display of incumbency indiscretion. Although the ruling party has distanced itself from it, it is still not enough.