What Nigerians think about state police

Former military Head of State, General Ibrahim Babangida recently urged Nigerians to embrace the creation of state police. Daily Trust sought opinions of some Nigerians. Kingsley Tagowa, 32, Civil Servant, Mubi, Adamawa State Nigeria as a nation is presently unable to secure and police its people effectively. Mubi, where I reside houses a Federal Polytechnic, […]

What Nigerians think about state police

Former military Head of State, General Ibrahim Babangida recently urged Nigerians to embrace the creation of state police. Daily Trust sought opinions of some Nigerians.

Kingsley Tagowa, 32, Civil Servant, Mubi, Adamawa State

Nigeria as a nation is presently unable to secure and police its people effectively. Mubi, where I reside houses a Federal Polytechnic, a State University and a College of Health Technology. The town directly borders Cameroon Republic and is buzzing with arrays of commercial activities. With a population of 300,000 people, Mubi has less than 200 police. This is clearly inadequate. With a State Police, the number of police will be enhanced, thus bringing more effective policing and general security to the people.
Henry Tokula, 40, Teacher, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

In theory the whole idea of a state run police force is a laudable one. However, in practice, it’s a different ball game. It’s bad enough that the state governors have little or no checks on their powers. I cringe at the thought of handing them a private army. On the other hand, hoawever, the federal government has interfered too much in the internal affairs of the component states and a state run police force is the only way the governors can deal efficiently with their own peculiar security issues.
Barr. Abdullahi Gaji, 45, Lawyer, Taraba State

The idea of the creation of state police is not bad going by the problems we have in the country. However, legally speaking, creation of state police has some implications. Firstly, it is not provided in the country’s constitution that each state should have its police force. Secondly, because we are in a political era, any state governor who creates a police force for his state would like to use it for his own personal interest in the event there is an issue between the government and any individual or group of individuals. In my opinion, it will be better if the federal government will reinforce the existing police force and create a new department, separate from the state police command that will be provided with the required resources and equipment to oversee the security affairs of the state.
Aishatu Bashir, 39, Lecturer, Taraba State

The creation of state police ia a good idea in a society where everything works well, in the sense that there is little corruption and a sense of responsibility. I believe there should be a reinforcement of Nigeria’s federal police. 
Professor Umar Doma Dass, 55, Lecturer, Bauchi State

My candid opinion is that state police in Nigeria is not advisable. This is because the state police can be abused or misused by the state apparatus that is the state government. The people in position of power can use the state police to abuse their opponents. Therefore the best option for Nigeria at this material time is the federal police.
I think what the states need to do is strengthen vigilante groups so that they can assist the police in intelligence gathering and a regular update on the day to day happenings in their surroundings. I think that is better.
Alhaji Abdulkadir Ibrahim, 49, Ex-Banker, Bauchi 

The creation of state police is a good idea. However, I have my fears about its abuse, especially by politicians who may use it to witch-hunt and intimidate their opponents.ý The recruitment into state police may also not be on merit because most of the personnel will be recruited by powerful individuals, especially politicians who will in turn use them to serve their interests. 

Muhammad Ibrahim Jawaý Phd, Director, Department of Traditional Medicine, Yobe State Ministry of Health

If there is true federalism, definitely there will ýbe a need for state police. The demand for it will arise because of the security of the state. However, there must be a strong legislation to back its establishment. Apart from that, the system we are operating does not support the establishment of state police. Resources are not controlled by the state and we don’t have strong laws in the state because our overall security is centralised and controlled by the centre. If we can restructure and allow for true federalism, we can establish state police and other security agencies that are controlled by the states. But in the present circumstance, the creation of state police would be problematic because of the inherent expected abuse that it will be subjected to in the first place. Right now, even the vigilantes we have are looking up to the federal government for support so that their allowances come directly from the federal government.
People agitating for the creation of state police are probably looking at some developed countries like the United States where it works. I think some of them agitating for it will be the ones to criticise it’s establishment if it does not favour them.
Lawal Mohammed, 46, Civil Servant, Bauchi State

I am totally opposed to the idea of creation of state police. As long as we are operating a federal system, we must avoid the creation of state police in Nigeria. It will further polarise us and bring disunity and distrust because the police will be turned into religious and ethnic outfits, even within the same state, because of our heterogeneity. I am sure the creation of state police will be subjected to abuse. Nigeria is not operating a system that supports its creation. Even the agitation is just misplaced at this time because it is not something that you can create overnight. There are many things that need to be put in place.
David Ayodele, 56, Freelance Journalist, Bauchi

I have never supported the idea of state police. It is a propaganda being bandied about by some people based on some pecuniary interest mostly from regional and ethnic agitations. My fear is that, a state police is exposed to abuse, especially at a time like this when politicians are seeing themselvesý as being above the law. Take for example what is happening presently. These politicians have raised a crop of idle and dangerous sets of youths to do their bidding at all times. They are sent to attack and even, in some occasions, killý for them. When they are arrested, these politicians will go and get them released. This is happening when the police is under the control of the federal government. What do you think will happen if the police are controlled by the state?