What Nigerians think about the Federal Government’s response to Coronavirus

Nigeria recently recorded its first case of an Italian man infected with Coronavirus or Covid-19. We would like to know what the public thinks about how the Federal Government of Nigeria handled the case.   Temitope Oladayo, 32, Car-wash operator, Osogbo The Federal Government of Nigeria is not doing enough in handling and dealing with […]

What Nigerians think about the Federal Government’s response to Coronavirus

Nigeria recently recorded its first case of an Italian man infected with Coronavirus or Covid-19. We would like to know what the public thinks about how the Federal Government of Nigeria handled the case.


Temitope Oladayo, 32, Car-wash operator, Osogbo

The Federal Government of Nigeria is not doing enough in handling and dealing with coronavirus outbreak. The facilities deployed are not enough and that was why the Italian was able to import the virus into the country. He should have been caught and prevented from moving to Ogun State. For me, the government cannot protect us from coronavirus but only God can protect us.


Mrs Bola Bello, 52, Trader, Osogbo

Government has done well in its efforts in containing coronavirus especially by creating awareness on it through the media which enabled us to know about it. Aside the effort to prevent the importation of the virus into the country, the Federal Government is not doing enough to prevent outbreak from within. Many people are still consuming unhygienic foods and drinks which can lead to outbreak of diseases such as coronavirus. FG must do more in the preventive measures, beyond the airport surveillance.


Miunat Taofeeq, 23, Fashion designer, Kaduna

I believe the Federal Government was prepared since measures were already put in place before the unfortunate incident. I will urge government to do more so it doesn’t spread to other areas in the country. Also, more sensitization should be carried out and Nigerians should not spread fake news that will generate panic.


Dominic Constance Thelma, 28, Laboratory scientist, Rivers State

Federal Government has not done enough on this. I am yet to be convinced that this virus is in Nigeria because many Nigerians would have died because of poor level of preparation. There is no quarantine centre for index cases. I read that the NCDC control centre in Abuja is poorly equipped. What Federal Government under Jonathan did to contain Ebola is far more appreciative than what the present administration is doing. The public enlightenment about the virus is very poor.


Favour Victor Ebongoh, 27, Entrepreneur, Port Harcourt

The response of the Federal Government to the Coronavirus outbreak is quite poor. Truthfully, they were unprepared and to an extent not bothered, in my opinion. If a country like China is trying to combat this virus, carrying out researches and trying their possible best to provide a permanent cure for it – taking precautionary efforts not to spread the virus, why can’t Nigeria also try to set up health facilities, research centres (at least one in each state), sensitize people about the dangers and provide them with the necessary things to help them stay safe? Instead they talk about infrastructure development, borrowing money and so on. It hasn’t occurred to FG that an outbreak not well managed could wipe out half the populace of this nation. If it can happen to China that is no match for us in technology development then it can happen to us. A look at the health sector and we can all attest that Nigerian government can hardly claim to have been successful in eradicating any illness. If we are to rate the level of preparedness, we aren’t up to 30% ready for this.


Victoria Chukwu, 29, Entrepreneur, Asaba

I would say that enough have not been done; this, ought to be an issue of urgency. The Federal Government is going about it as if we are talking about malaria. I expect that at the airport, proper screening should be carried out for persons flying within or into the country or people coming into the country via borders. I was disappointed at the airport during my last trip to Abuja, I couldn’t find mere hand sanitizer to disinfect my hands. I would only advise Nigerians to continue praying for our country and leaders. But the response to Coronavirus so far is zero.


Jimitota Onoyume, 45, Journalist, Warri

I don’t think that Federal Government has done enough in the area of enlightenment about the spread of the deadly virus. If you go to the rural communities, you will find out that majority of the rural dwellers don’t even know what Coronavirus is. It sounds strange to so many of them. There should be an aggressive awareness and enlightenment campaign in the rural communities about the virus. Many of them don’t know the dos and don’ts of the virus containment. Federal Government has not done much on this very aspect. It should collaborate with state governments to inform and educate rural communities on the outbreak of the virus.


Akpan Christiana Monday, 26, Caterer, Anambra

First of all, there’s no proof to backup the presence of Coronavirus in Nigeria. I see it as a ploy by the government to embezzle national funds. For instance, when China discovered the presence of this virus in their country, there was proof to actually back up their findings, and then they immediately had laid down measures to contain the virus which includes building hospital with advanced facilities, getting experts to work on a suppose cure and vaccine to eradicate the virus and also quarantine people who were already infected. But in Nigeria, we only heard, we saw nothing. The only thing we heard and saw was fund allocation for Coronavirus in Nigeria. It’s high time the government stopped deceiving us just to embezzle and misappropriate funds.


Abbas Abdulrauf, 27, Trader, Kaduna

I knew prior to the first case of Coronavirus in the country that Nigeria set up the multi-sectoral Coronavirus Preparedness Group led by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). This establishment immediately activated its national Emergency Operations Centre once the first case was reported and they worked hand-in-hand with Lagos State Health authorities where the first case was reported. This was to achieve synergy in combating the outbreak and to ensure that it does not get out of hand. I believe these measures taken by FG will go a long way in ensuring Nigeria is in absolute control of the outbreak. However, it would be good if Nigeria can strengthen surveillance at the airports, seaports and other places where migrants enter the country to ensure that they are thoroughly scrutinised.