What Nigerians think about the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ bill

This week the Nigerian Senate passed the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ bill, a move that would reduce the age limit for elective positions. Daily Trust sought some opinions on the issue. Otunba Adeleke, 35, Legislative Aide, Abuja   I cannot support something of that nature. One needs to attain a certain age before he […]

What Nigerians think about the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ bill

This week the Nigerian Senate passed the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ bill, a move that would reduce the age limit for elective positions. Daily Trust sought some opinions on the issue.

Otunba Adeleke, 35, Legislative Aide, Abuja

I cannot support something of that nature. One needs to attain a certain age before he or she can be allowed to contest for a seat in either the Senate or House of Representatives.
Kingsley Jackson, Entertainer, Abuja

It is a welcome idea. Nigeria in the hands of the young ones will be a better place. This is because as a young person your mind is very active and whenever you see something you want, you will work towards achieving it. I am not in any way against the elderly, however I would say that young men and women can work towards the success of Nigeria and even be creative about it.
Aminu Lawal Danmusa, 22, Student/Artiste, Abuja

I support the ‘Not Too Young to Run’ bill because the youths are the people who really know the problems of Nigeria. These elders that have been ruling us have been in that position for years and have not effected any change, so I believe youths will effect that change one way or the other.
Muhammad B. Dahiru, 38, Engineer, Lagos

My reservation is that I would rather have someone who has a bit of experience as opposed to someone who is of a particular age, especially now that we are not matured as a society. We are getting there quite all right but I don’t see any reason why we should say somebody who is of a certain age should run for office with no qualifications or any experience running any business or in a civil environment. I could support the bill if someone has attained the age and has gone through formal education and has some experience. If not i won’t.
Hon. Ahmed Mahmud, 53, former Member, State House of Assembly, Yola

I think the bill is a very good way of letting the Nigerian youth engage in political activities. It is good that they are trying to reduce the age so that the younger generation will join the old ones in office so they can rub minds and effect the change that Nigerians deserve. It will give the young ones room to grow politically.
Esther Nuhu, 22, NYSC member, Abuja 

I am for the not too young to run bill. I feel I’m not too young to run. I believe it’s time for youths to be given opportunity in government because age restrictions don’t favour us. A lot of youths can do so much for the country. It’s not the elderly alone that can run the country and make it progress, the youths have all it takes too. It’s time we realize that. I believe in this country and that the youths can take it to greater heights.
Chukwudi N. Kalu, 34, Communication Specialist, Abuja

Of course I am in support of the Not Too Young To Run bill because we need a blend of the old and the young. The young people have the strength, the drive and freshness. We only need the old to guide us as at when due. If we leave the old to keep leading us, with due respect, old bread tastes stale at a certain time, no matter how good it is. So it’s better for us to let the youth come in. I mean, sometimes these men sleep during plenary. When you watch the British parliament you can see how vigorous it can be. Apart from that the world is driving to a place where there is inclusion. If you are old enough to vote then you should be responsible enough to contest. These old people who are now in power they were all young when they started contesting. It was young people that won the independence. So if young people could win independence for Nigeria, they can carry it forward.
Jamila Suleiman, 21, Student, Abuja

I support the Not Too Young To Run bill because, for a long time we have had just one generation or set of people ruling Nigeria. To the best of my knowledge they have tried and we appreciate their efforts but I think it is high time we have some Nigerian youths at the decision-making bodies of this country. The Nigerian youth I believe are young men and women with good ideas that can be developed. They should also learn to be leaders so that one day they can lead Nigeria, if not to the promise land, at least somewhere better than where we are today. With youths coming in, there will be lots of candidates and choices for citizens so we would not be limited to electing certain people.
Bashir Jika, 26, Student, Zaria 

Yes, youths running for office at 25 is acceptable because we need young and vibrant leadership, Nigeria is failing as a result of one-sided leadership. It’s high time for us to get rid of one circle of leadership. We need change in leadership circles. We need people that can move the country forward.
Abdulhakim Ahmad 22, Student, Katsina

From the onset we were told we are the leaders of tomorrow and till date we haven’t seen that day. We are a take-over generation, we have to find every opportunity and make ourselves the leaders so that we can effect the change our old leaders failed to give us. I believe we can God willing. Therefore, I think it is good that people support us and give us a chance. Although the youth are somewhat corrupt, I still believe we can and we will when we get the right people.