What to do with repentant Boko Haram members

It should be more strategic and at the same time cautious on those who surrendered

What to do with repentant Boko Haram members
What to do with repentant Boko Haram members

Taking repentant insurgents back to societies would be the most dullish act by authorities. It is hard to separate what minds have been doing for years in just weeks.

In the past, we have seen incidences were those taken back to their communities killed their relatives, other innocent citizens and went back to insurgents’ enclaves.

Government should not be in a hurry to reintegrate them.  It should be more strategic and at the same time cautious on those who surrendered. Let them be kept in one enclosed building for two to three months under close watch with all basic necessities and see whether they truly repented before finally deciding their fates.


Mukhtar Kobi