‘What we expect Buhari’s new cabinet to look like’

With President Muhammadu Buhari re-elected for another four years, Nigerians across different political divides and walks of life are already eager to know what shape his government will take, especially as regards his cabinet. Daily Trust Saturday sought the opinions of a few. Mohammed Abdullahi, 35, Public Relations Professional, Lagos I expect a reshuffle that will […]

‘What we expect Buhari’s new cabinet to look like’

Nuhu Ogbori, 41, Telecoms

With President Muhammadu Buhari re-elected for another four years, Nigerians across different political divides and walks of life are already eager to know what shape his government will take, especially as regards his cabinet. Daily Trust Saturday sought the opinions of a few.

Mohammed Abdullahi, 35, Public Relations Professional, Lagos

I expect a reshuffle that will bring in more technocrats than politicians. This is the final term for President Buhari, so I expect a rigorous action towards delivering dividends of democracy to Nigerians. The cabinet’s composition is critical to delivering democracy dividends and that is why it is key for the president to be more adventurous in terms of having more technocrats in his cabinet this second and final term.

Critically analysing the performance of the current cabinet, in my opinion, majority of the ministries perform below par with very few exceptions. For instance, with the importance of science and technology to developmental strides of any nation, it is ironical that to start with, only very few people know the person at the helm of affairs of the Ministry of Science and Technology in Nigeria and by extension, can’t pinpoint any tangible contribution of that Ministry to our quest for development in the last four years. On the contrary, Rwanda through its education development strategy already established the first coding academy in Africa to train young students in ICT for future development while Nigerian students are grappling with settling in schools with poor facilities after long period of strike actions. In a nutshell, President Buhari’s cabinet selection is critical to the success or otherwise of his second term.

Fatima Aliyu Mahuta, Civil Servant, Kaduna

We need new ministers who will entrench the true change that will affect the lives of ordinary Nigerians and not only propagating change mantra. They should be a team of credible, patriotic Nigerians who will drive the economy that can guarantee tree square meals for the masses across the country. I also expect the president to increase the number of women in his cabinet and also give opportunity for competent youths who can contribute to the development of the country.

Nuhu Ogbori, 41, Telecoms Engineer, Lagos

I expect the president’s new cabinet to consist of an Economic expert with a financial track record or a professor of economics with economic development experience. We require a Finance Minister who has experience in community development with an Non-Governmental Organisation and a Central Bank of Nigeria governor with economic policies that affect business development in the country while still keeping a controlled hand on imports, creating avenues for foreign organizations to invest in Nigeria by bringing their production processes into the country to create employment and reduce negative competition.

Oke Olushola Thomas, 36, Insurance Expert, Lagos

President Buhari’s new cabinet should reflect his promises to Nigerians, especially having been re-elected. Given our experience in key sectors, it would be best that the new cabinet be a set of round pegs in round holes with averagely young Nigerians, highly vibrant with proven records in chosen fields of endeavours and who are free from corruption cases. Nevertheless, a few Ministers in the present cabinet could be retained. For example, ministers like Raji Fashola, Rotimi Amaechi, Enelemah, Onyema, Udo Udoma.

Femi Adi, 50, Publisher, Kaduna

I expect a new cabinet with a combination of experienced technocrats  and not those who are selected for their political participation but people with the brain and credibility to serve. I expect the President to find ways to settle political supporters outside ministerial appointments.

We believe that Buhari is a man of integrity and so expect him to reward electorates.

Gbemiga Oyebisi, 42, Entrepreneurship and Business Development Coach, Kaduna

I expect a reshuffling, dropping of some old hands, introduction and injection of youths into the cabinet. Ministries that need new bosses are Education, Agriculture, FCT and Science and Technology. There is also the need for a new ministry to take care of the social investment initiative of the Federal Government.

Hadiza Gambo Hawaja, 50, Human Rights Activist, Kaduna

I expect the new cabinet of Mr. President to be all inclusive. It should reflect diverse interests without compromising competency, integrity and accountability. Also, there should be competent youths in the cabinet and an increase in the number of women. At least 35 to 40 percent should be women.

Samuel Toba, 54, Lawyer, Kaduna

I expect to see a proactive cabinet, one that will be all inclusive, with technocrats and not party faithfuls who have nothing to offer or who are simply compensated. Their various portfolios should be based on field of expertise. The president should not allow a repeat of 2015 when it took him nine months to appoint ministers to settle political scores. I expect him to look outside the country where we have competent Nigerians who have excelled in various fields and are passionate about the economy and not those who will seat down and divide us.