What will you be remembered for?

Text: Matthew 25:14-30 We have heard it, seen it and some of us have been living it. You were made for a mission, you’re formed for God’s family, and you were created to be like Christ. This week we look at another equally important purpose: You are Shaped For Serving God. Jesus said:  “You are […]

What will you be remembered for?

Text: Matthew 25:14-30

We have heard it, seen it and some of us have been living it. You were made for a mission, you’re formed for God’s family, and you were created to be like Christ. This week we look at another equally important purpose: You are Shaped For Serving God.

Jesus said: 

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (its strength, its quality)”, how can its saltiness be restored? It is not good for anything any longer but to be thrown out and trodden underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a peck measure, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognise and honour and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:13 – 16 (AMP)

– You are special, different from all others.

– You are here for a purpose.

– You have the capacity and ability to be influential. You can and should change things wherever you find yourself.

– You are here not just for yourself but for others. You are here to add flavour to the lives of people you come into contact with.

– You are here to add value to all those in your circle of influence.

– You are a change agent. You are here to change your generation for God. 

– You are gifted beyond what you need for yourself. You are too much for one person.

– But I believe that the vital lesson from this passage is clear:A person’s unwillingness to serve may soon destroy his capacity for usefulness.

Noah saved a remnant from the flood; Moses delivered Israel from bondage and slavery. Joshua led the people into the Promised Land and helped them to possess it. They served their generations.

What will you be remembered for? Mother Theresa is remembered for loving and caring for poor people in India, denying herself every comfort. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for championing the cause of liberty for those who suffered segregation; John Welsh, Charles Finney, Kathryn Kuhlman, Paul and Jan Crouch for Global Christian TV, Reinhardt Bonke, Benny Hinn, Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Oyedepo and others will be remembered as God’s generals that brought great blessings to this generation.

What will you be remembered for?

Your contribution may be small but it is significant. Come out of oblivion, stop being selfish; don’t die with your gifts. The prophet Elijah died with some anointing still trapped in his bones. Wake up! Light up the fire and shine. Brighten your environment.

Insignificant people are significant people who chose only to live for themselves. 

Greatness never comes from serving self but from serving others. Jesus said to the disciples, 

“The greatest among you must be the servant of all.”

The church presents you with an excellent opportunity to serve others. So also is your present job; in public or private sector.

What gifts do I possess?I’m glad you asked.

Let us go to Romans 12:4-8; and see some gifts that are listed: Prophecy, practical service, teaching; exhortation; contributes (giving), givessuperintends (leadership).

1. We are all gifted. 

2. We all are gifted differently.

3. We are a team. We work together. We work for a common goal.

4. Your gift completes me and compliments mine. We were designed to complete each other and not compete with each other.

5. We multiply our success when we all contribute.

6. Every player has a place in the team where they add the most value. The goal keeper, the defenders, the mid-fielders, the strikers, etc, all have roles that make them indispensable.

7. It is your duty to discover your role, develop it and play it to the best of your ability – attend the Life Development Institute (LDI).

8. Serving others requires sacrifice.

9. Non-functioning parts slow down the whole body. Weak team members harm the team.

10. God requires total commitment and faithfulness.

11. A time of accountability is coming. We shall all give account.

12. We are rewarded for serving others. Joseph was not promoted for himself. He was promoted for interpreting the dream of the King and for translating it into reality. God has a dream of saving the world. Those who are working for the fulfilment of that dream get promoted and blessed.

My counsel:

Dig up your gift today and start using it.

Light your lamp and bring it into the open for the benefit of others.

Pour out your salt (gift) from the bottle. Salt can never change the taste of food as long as it remains in the bottle.

What will you be remembered for?

Greatness is trapped inside of you; your service to others reveals your worth not what you own. Arise and shine. Join a Department today. Start from somewhere. Don’t die a waste. Don’t die anonymous. Don’t die insignificant. What will you be remembered for? Winning in the church helps you win elsewhere!

Let us be willing to do little things. And let us remember that nothing is small in which God is the source.

He who tills his land shall be satisfied with bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits is lacking in sense and is without understanding (Proverbs 12:11).

The greatest pursuit today is the pursuit of money. But money does not give you relevance but relevance can give you money. You are paid for your work. You are rewarded for your value. You are not paid according to your need but according to your value.

Most people ask the wrong questions. They ask, “How can I become rich?” The question people should ask is how can I become more valuable?

You will be remembered for your contributions and your usefulness. You will be paid according to your value. As you take a closer look at your life so far, what will you be remembered for?

Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: www.dayspringcmi.org