What you are looking for in Sokoto is in your sokoto

In their bid to swim out of their unending predicament, they turn themselves to beggars, sycophants, praise singers, 419 agents and ritualists, all in their bid to change their socio-economic status.  But alas! what you are looking for outside of you is already in you.  Every person has potentials.  These potentials do not usually manifest […]

What you are looking for in Sokoto is in your sokoto
What you are looking for in Sokoto is in your sokoto

In their bid to swim out of their unending predicament, they turn themselves to beggars, sycophants, praise singers, 419 agents and ritualists, all in their bid to change their socio-economic status.  But alas! what you are looking for outside of you is already in you.  Every person has potentials.  These potentials do not usually manifest easily until you dig deep to tap them.  Some people are of the believe that others can open their way to make them successful by providing them with their basic needs, but it is not so.  No one can make you a success until you are a success yourself.  Being a success does not mean the external things you possess,  but the attitude in you.  People may give you a car; house, money, job, but the attitude to manage such will be a problem. I have seen men who marry women, not because they love them, but because of what they think the woman can make them to be or a woman who will vow never to be married to a poor man, as if wealth or poverty are constant denomination.

There is nothing that is as permanent as change in life. The poor can become rich and the rich poor.  All that matters in life is acquiring and sustaining good attitude. An attitude is the sum of one’s thoughts, emotions, actions and habits. How   far a person reaches in life depends on the kind of attitude that person has.  People who have good attitude are the ones who succeed in life.  A person’s attitude determines his altitude, not his possessions or position. For example, a lazy person who is lazy,   greedy, liar, gossip, a thief, an envious person or a hypocrite, no matter how far he has reached in life or how much he has achieved, all could be demolished because of a wrong doing. So, people should have at the back of their minds that being a success is not in terms of who you know or what you get, but it’s in you. When you explore your strong points and persistently improve on them and also identify your weak points and start working on them, then the sky will just be the beginning of your success.

I have encountered people too who are amazed by the success rate of others and they attach all sorts of wicked, envious and negative connotations and explanations to it, thinking that censuring such people will bring them down to their low level. But by so doing, the envious remarks will only raise the successful one higher and the envious lower.  Sticks and stones are only thrown at a fruit bearing tree and people do not kick a dead dog.

I have also encountered people who are salary earners but expect too much from others, so much so that people run away from associating with them. If the employed are not satisfied with what they have, what should the unemployed do? Greed and over expectations are snares that open doors to so many sinful and corrupt practices.

This category of people are ungrateful, insatiable and covetous such that whatever they earn never satisfies them.  They complain of lack and problems as if they are the only ones who have problems forgetting that God only gives more to the grateful. Until these people take the bull by the horn and change their bad attitudes, they will neither be happy nor successful in life. Success begins with total reliance on God and work.  Just have it at the back of your mind that there is no free meal.  If you want to succeed, you must work real hard, most especially in areas you are passionate about.

Success is in you, it is who you are and not really what you possess. So, people who really want to succeed should look inwards not outwards.  What you are looking for from others is already in you. So, what you are looking for in SOKOTO is right there in your SO`KO`TO`.

Labaran is of the National Hospital, Abuja.