What you need to know about Ramadan (I)

Evidences: Allah says: O you who have believed, fasting has been made compulsory on you as it had been made compulsory on those before you (Jews and Christians) so that you can attain piety. (Baqarah verse183). He (subhanahu wa ta’ala) also said: The month of Ramadan in which Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for […]

What you need to know about Ramadan (I)
What you need to know about Ramadan (I)

Evidences: Allah says: O you who have believed, fasting has been made compulsory on you as it had been made compulsory on those before you (Jews and Christians) so that you can attain piety. (Baqarah verse183). He (subhanahu wa ta’ala) also said: The month of Ramadan in which Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for the people and a clarifier of the guidance and also the separator (between truth and lie). Whoever witness the month should fast it. (Baqarah verse185).   
From Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) who said: Allah’s messenger (may Allah send sallat to him) said: Islam was built upon five (pillars): testifying that none deserves to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and steadfastness upon salah, and bringing forth Zakat, and Hajj to Makkah, and fast of Ramadan. (Bukhari).
All the scholars of Islam agreed that fasting of Ramadan is compulsory upon Muslims. They also agreed that it is one of the pillars of Islam which is known (by all Muslims) by necessity. They also agreed that whoever rejects fasting as a pillar of Islam has become a kafir and a murtad (disbeliever).{Fiqh Sunnah of Sayyid Sabiq}
The benefits of fasting: Forgiveness of previous sins
From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: Allah’s messenger (SAW)  said: Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith (in Allah) and hope of reward (from Allah) will have all his previous sins forgiven. (Bukhari and Muslim).
Meeting Allah with joy in the Day of Reckoning: From Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: Allah’s messenger (SAW) said: Allah said: Every act of children of Adam are for him except fasting, for it is for Me and I will the Only One to reward it. Fasting is a shield. When one of you fast, he should not say a vulgar word, he should not shout unnecessarily, he should not behave ignorantly. If someone abuses him or fights him, he should (not retaliate but) say: I am fasting (two times). I swear by Who has control of my soul, verily the odour from the mouth of a fasting Muslim is more pleasing to Allah than the scent of al-misk, perfume. There will be two joys that a fasting person will experience: when he breaks his fast(at sunset) he experiences joy and when he meets his Lord on the Day of Qiyamah, he experiences joy because of his fasting. (Bukhari and Muslim).

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