What you need to know about Ramadan (II)

Sahl bn Sa’d reported that the prophet of Allah (SAW) said: There is a door in paradise which is called Ar-Rayyanu. The fasting people will enter paradise through it on the Day of Qiyamah, none other than them will enter the door except them. It will be said: where are the fasting people? So they […]

What you need to know about Ramadan (II)
What you need to know about Ramadan (II)

Sahl bn Sa’d reported that the prophet of Allah (SAW) said: There is a door in paradise which is called Ar-Rayyanu. The fasting people will enter paradise through it on the Day of Qiyamah, none other than them will enter the door except them. It will be said: where are the fasting people? So they will stand up and none other than them will enter the door except them. Once they enter the door, it will be shut so that none except them enter it. (Bukhary and Muslim)
The obligation of commencing fast of Ramadan is tied with sighting of crescent
Though Ramadaan is compulsory on all Muslims, they shouldn’t commence it except after crescent of Ramadan has been sighted by at least one just Muslim (with ratification of the authority of the Muslims) on the night of 29th Sha’aban or completion of Sha’aban to be 30th (when the crescent is not sighted on the 29th night due to cloud or dust)
From Abu Hurayrah who said: Allah’s messenger (SAW) said: Begin the fast when the crescent of Ramadan is sighted and stop the fast when the crescent of Shawwal is sighted, if you are beclouded from sighting it, count Sha’abaan to be 30 (and Ramadan to be 30 when exiting the month of Ramadan).
Also, Abdullaah bn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) who said: People were looking out for the crescent so I informed the Messenger of Allaah that I have sighted it. And because of sighting he commenced fasting (the following day) and he ordered people to commence it. Abu Dawud and authenticated by Shaykh Al-albane in Al-irwaa Ghalel}
But exiting Ramdan requires sighting of two just Muslims, according to the most authentic from the sayings of scholars.
This is based on this evidence: “From ‘AbdurRahman bn Zaid bn al-khattab who gave sermon on a day of doubt (Yaumu shakku), saying listen! I have sat with the Companions of Allah’s Messenger and I have asked them (many questions) they have indeed told me that the Messenger of Allah said: Fast when the crescent is sighted and end the fast when it is sighted, if you are beclouded from sighting it then complete the counting to 30 day. If two just Muslims testified that that have sighted it, start your fast (because of it) and end it (because of it).[Saheeh Ja’ami Sagher].
A Muslim that sighted the moon and his sighting is rejected by the authority should not fast or break his fast, according to the most authentic from sayings of scholars.
Evidence: Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: (Commencement of )Fasting is on the day you all (commence)fast, breaking of fast is only done on the day you all break it, and the slaughtering of animals is done on the day you all slaughter. {Saheh Ja’ami Sagheer and Trimidhi).
Imam Trimidhi said after reporting this hadeth in his Sunan: Some scholars explained this hadeth by saying it means commencement of fasting and ending it should be done together by the people (with the announcement from the authority).
Dr Abdul-’Azee Badawe said in his book, Alwajeez fee fiqhus-Sunnah wal- Kitab:“From the mistakes made by some people is for them to jettison the announcement of the authority in their country and follow the authority of neighbouring country in starting and ending their fast. This is wrong because to go with people of your country is binding and right thing to do and separating from them going astray and may result to you being punished. Allah says: Hold on to the rope of Allah all of you together and do not separate from one another. – Chapter 3 verse 13.”

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