What your wardrobe says about you

Nudity which is very rampant even among older people who are supposed to lead by examples is at the center of it all. Our young ladies who enjoy dressing half naked are proud of their indecent and immoral attitude. Indecent dressing is causing considerable concern among many people in our nation, for which accusing fingers […]

What your wardrobe says about you
What your wardrobe says about you

Nudity which is very rampant even among older people who are supposed to lead by examples is at the center of it all. Our young ladies who enjoy dressing half naked are proud of their indecent and immoral attitude.

Indecent dressing is causing considerable concern among many people in our nation, for which accusing fingers are being pointed at the direct culprits who happen to be the religious leaders and of course the parents.

The problem as it seems starts from the home; some mothers want their children to imitate the western culture and their way of dressing, so they can portray their kids in line with modernization.

These kinds of mothers forget that they are letting their girls get naked day by day.  Most mothers do encourage their girl-child to flip through hilarious magazines to copy the so-called styles from the fashion models. Some of these clothes expose the most sensitive parts of women. It is a common thing to find women of all ages wearing upper part of dresses that exposed half if not three quarters of the breast, there is what is called ‘show me your back’ that exposes the back of the women folk, then there is bikinis which stop just before the navel – this is even more serious as sometimes, in a way exposes the upper part of the pubic hair.

Also, some of the modern trousers women wear are short in height and extremely too tight such that you find them either always pulling them up in the front and back or they use veils to try to cover their fronts.

Mothers are really the one to blame for this societal ill, as some of them do not have the time to admonish their children when they dress indecently.  They forget that it is what the child learns from home he/she takes on with them to the outer and wider world.

Though indecent dressing could be individual’s making and some could be influenced by peer group influence. This is the more reason why parents especially mothers must keep an eye on the type of people their children mingle with. Some mothers are guilty of indecent dressing too, they tend to forget that our kids learn from us and they tend to imitate everything we do.

Parental negligence is greatly to blame as most parents allow their children unfettered freedom to behave the way they please, including adopting indecent dressing styles in the name of fashion. It is logical for some parents to rely on the fact that this is a liberal world.  To them they say it is improper to sanction moral decadence on the pretext that we are part of a global liberal world.

The idea of being modest is a challenge to us mothers to be responsible parents and consider what we can do to help our daughter become modest in all ways of her life. The idea of being modest has to be taught early in a child’s life. Think of where your child would be in six years’ time and what would you want your child to hold on to very importantly, that would be of positive benefit to her.

Trying to discipline a teenager has limited impact on behavior change, because by the time children reach their teenage years, if they have not internalized why it is important to dress modestly and make education a priority among other worldly things, then there is little that can be done to slow down the train of immorality.

There are some certain facts that people fail to understand and that is if a young girl dresses seductively, men are likely going to treat her as if she wants to be slept with.  She will only succeed in getting the attention of lustful men and not humble and gentle ones that would want to guard themselves against sexual compromise.

There are two valuable principles that we tell people about ourselves by the way we dress and they are you teach people how to treat you as well as   whatever bait you use determines the type of fish you catch meaning, if you dress indecently to attract a husband, then you will definitely get an indecent and irresponsible husband.

Dressing shows our morality, and note that decent wearing signifies one’s dignity, a dress does send different messages to whoever it is intended for.

It was surprising to hear that some people opposed a senator for her proposed bill on indecent dress in the Senate. It is a big shame to our society as women are also not in support of this bill. According to one  Adeyemi Adelegan who reacted to the issue recently, “those who may want to vote down this bill as an infringement of people’s fundamental human rights should also remember that too much freedom could sometimes become a burden to an individual as well as the society.”

Some people are of the view that there is no way to control indecent dressing in our society today, but this is not true. If the behaviors of our teenage girls are not checked, it would lead to more HIV/AIDS cases and other related vices.

Mrs. Onyechere, the Imo State Co-ordinator of WOTCLEF said she was not in support of indecent dressing and she went on to blame men who appreciated those girls who dress indecently. She stressed that if parents did their work adequately, the kids will have no cause to dress indecently.

In the ever and fast changing world today, only positive aspects of liberalization and globalization should be tolerated and encouraged.

Worshipping western culture should be discouraged and we should start looking inwards for our local fabrics can be used to make distinguished and smart styles that do not have to reveal every aspect of our body to the public and lastly our actors and artists could make do with our local designs as most children look up to them as role models, they should see themselves as agents of change in this campaign against indecent dressing.