When did adoption become a sin?

A story went viral on social media recently after a man opted out of being the father of two boys he and his wife adopted over twenty years ago.  The story was that they were married for over thirteen years without a child and so decided to adopt two boys of different ages. Twenty years […]

When did adoption become a sin?

A story went viral on social media recently after a man opted out of being the father of two boys he and his wife adopted over twenty years ago. 

The story was that they were married for over thirteen years without a child and so decided to adopt two boys of different ages. Twenty years later, he comes home to say he’s no longer interested in being father to the adopted sons. The eldest is an undergraduate. 

Weird, right? Many would want to ask why he made such a decision. Well, his reason is that he is now born again and adoption is against his faith. So, many people are asking: when did adoption become a sin? 

Maryam Aliyu, 43-year-old lawyer, believes we are all adopted children of God so who are we to say adoption is a sin. “If God can adopt us and call us his children, who are we to say adoption is a sin. From my cultural background, children belong to everyone. My mother had just three of us but she had so many children around her and till date they have a better relationship with my mum than I have.  It’s strange how myopic some people are. How can giving life, hope and opportunity in life to someone be a sin? By the way, if the adoption was through legal means then he’s just confused because those children are automatically his children. He can’t just dump them like a piece of garbage. Adoption is never considered a sin in any religion, never.”

Eunice Obinna, 38-year-old teacher says, “There is no smoke without fire. He probably must have gotten biological children from elsewhere and is looking for the easy way out – to give his inheritance to his biological children. Adoption is not a sin at all; there must be something else, may be family or friends influenced his decision. Come to think of it, they may have gotten the children through illegal means and he now feels guilty. He’s not being sincere with himself, how can he even say his faith forbids showing care and love to orphans? He should not get himself into unnecessary trouble as those kids will never forgive him.”

Oluwakemi Oshin, 39-year-old banker, says, “taking care of any child whether yours or not is not a sin because every child is your child. The man having enjoyed the joy of fatherhood through these same children for years and now turn back to say he’s a Christian is hypocrisy of all times. Jesus is the model for Christianity and all he ever did in his life time was preach and show love. There was no way Jesus would say or preach against giving life, hope and putting a smile on the faces of innocent children. The Christianity he claims to be following is different from what we all know as Christianity.”

Halilu Suleiman, 40-year-old engineer, says, “I am a man and sometimes we can act funny when we have something to hide. He sure has his own biological children now and is looking for a way to make his own children inherit his property. It’s strange how a man could father a child from infancy to adulthood and in just one day realizes it is against his faith. Something is not quite right. My advice to the woman is to hold on to her children, they are legally theirs. She should ignore whatever he says, as she will reap the fruit of the love and care she showed to those children.”