When education matters most

Surely, education is synonymous with societal development and economic advancement and  it’s unambigously believed to be the best investment  that whoever invested in, will at the end smile  home as a successful investor. In a place where this key sector recieved little or no attention, there must be resultant  effects of  increased in poverty, gross […]

When education matters most

Surely, education is synonymous with societal development and economic advancement and  it’s unambigously believed to be the best investment  that whoever invested in, will at the end smile  home as a successful investor. In a place where this key sector recieved little or no attention, there must be resultant  effects of  increased in poverty, gross unemployment, underdevelopment,high rate of social vices like kidnapping, robbery, stealing, raping, communal clashes, the list can be endless. While proving its miraculous and freakish transformational power in a place where it thrives and flourishes, education is accompanied with an impelling rise in the developmental index of such society where peace and justice reign.

Therefore, purposeful governments at all levels seemingly prioritise and focus attention on the provision of education because when the sector is effectively working, people are educated and enlightened, all the other sectors of the economy would equally breathe  and exhalate  for their survival, surpass it to say, education formed the neucleous of development and economic amelioration of every society. It’s against this background that, the aspirations and hankerings of every parent  and government  is inextricably interwoven to have an environmnet where education is accessible and subcribable for all irrespective of one’s economic status and his proximity to the educational facilities.

It’s interesting to know that  the architechs and the master builders  of the Nigerian nation we’re rightly enjoying; the Sardaunas, the Balewas, the Awolowos, the Ziks and so many of them have accorded the sons and daughters of an ordinary Nigerians free and compulsary education to better their future and strenthen the country. It’s beyond doubt that  those who were fortunate to witness  that particular epoch , had in different times become   leaders in their fields of endeavours. Therefore, states and communities that have earlier invested massively in the education  of their sons and daughters, are no doubt that,   the most developed and this has also reflected on the progress their states had made due to the intellectual  and innovative dispositions of their people.

In contempt of the historic evidence  of transformational power of education and its consolidated importances, the sector has been abysmally neglected by some directioness and focuseless leaders in many states of the federation. The sector received little or no attention while other projects that are considered as conduit of siphoning the treasuries were given preferential and due considerations and the attitude has potent dangers to the societal development by breeding unproductive youths without promising future.

In this part of the country, education has suffered unduly, as a result has kept the region perpetually in the passenger’s seat in every aspects of the Nigerian enterprise. In Gombe State, the destructive effect of the poor state of education could be noticed when ‘Kalare’ thuggery was the only lucrative venture for the vulnerable youths.

But no matter how bad the situation is, there are silent and exceptional few who tend to be different Governor Ibrahim Hassan Dankwambo Gombe State has proven and established the truth and genuiness of purposeful leadership by playing a hard ball and strong-will game with education. Dankwombo when he assumed the mantle of leadership in Gombe State met the sector in a shambles and gory structure with students sitting on a bare floor or under the trees, teacher training and retraining were utterly neglected, laboratories and libraries had no   equipment  and basic required books as the shelves were books starved. There is a turn around, suddenly.

In his determination to rescue  the state from the hitherto despire and all torn up situation, Gov. Dankwambo declared a state of emegency in education declared a catch phrase; education, education and education, and then any other thing would follow. 

Though, the statemnet at the onset looked like the normal political rethorics but within a very short period, the whole thing translated into reality with the renovation of virtually all dilapidated structures, as well as building new ones including the international standard model primary schools in most of the local government headquarters, and with nine tsangaya intervention schools across the state with adequate staffing and state of the art of learning facilities.

As   secondary schools were not left behind in the whole scheme   new blocks of classrooms were contructed, while the old ones were fully renovated and restructured to meet with the modern demand. Science, technical and vocational education were given boost as the Government Science Technical Colleges in Deba, Kwami, Tula, Amada, Nyuwar and Gombe Bye-Pass were equipped with basic laboratory facilities, furniture, hostels inclusive. With education, it can never be enough especially with tertiary education. 

There was the establishment of School of Basic and Remedial Studies at Dukku and Kumo, College of Education Billiri, College of Legal and Islamic Studies Nafada, Gombe State Polytechnic Bajoga, and the upgrading of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, through collaborative initiatives with the University of Maiduguri and Maritime Training College Oron in Akwa Ibom State. The state university has an ambition with the intent of intervening in the health needs of the people in the state, so Dankwambo set up the School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science in the state university.

Governor Dankwambo who seems not tired, inaugurated the commitee for the establishment of the State University of Science and Technology, Gombe State Institute of Journalism, College of Agriculture and Husbandary, College of Accountancy, Institute of Sport. Indeed this is education when it matters most.

Kera writes from Gombe.