When last did you visit the library?

Francisca Ikwu, 35, Kaduna  I was at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna doing research recently. Actually, I use a number of libraries. It’s always a pleasure using NDA’s library. It is well maintained and organised and there’s current literature. Other libraries, like the state library are still in the dark ages because they are badly maintained. […]

When last did you visit the library?

Francisca Ikwu, 35, Kaduna 

I was at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna doing research recently. Actually, I use a number of libraries. It’s always a pleasure using NDA’s library. It is well maintained and organised and there’s current literature. Other libraries, like the state library are still in the dark ages because they are badly maintained. There’s no modern technology and the electronic library is shut down. Kaduna State library is seriously in need of an upgrade and the government should be proactive.

Muhammad Wada, 45, Business Centre Operator, Kaduna   

I have not been in any library in a very long time because my office is my library. I bring the books I want to read to the office and read, and if I want to surf the internet, I have my computer right in front of me. I don’t need to go anywhere to access information I am looking for. Moreover, the library has out-dated books.
Faruk Umar Dutsenwai, 44, Builder, Kaduna
I visited a library two years ago when I was doing some research. In my own opinion, why people stopped going to the library is because of the coming of the internet. When the internet came, people preferred the comfort of their homes and offices than the library environment, except when doing a research and there is need for a lot of references. The internet is gradually overtaking the library and it is stopping people from reading, thereby affecting the reading culture of individuals.
Alhaji Isma’ila Yusuf Ashafa, 45, Student/Farmer, Kaduna
I visited the library a month ago because I am presently undergoing my PhD in Disaster Route Management. Most of the research I am conducting I do in the library, because I feel that is where I can get the best. To some extent, the internet has affected the patronage of the library, but it cannot take over from what the library offers. The library has a condusive reading environment, but on the internet, the network might be bad and you will get distracted.
Sheyin Baduku, 37, Businessman, Lagos

That’s about 12 years ago while I was in the university. I had to read for my exams and carry out research work. Libraries are not there and when they were, you had to really look well to get what you want, which might be a bit of stale information. Then the internet came with almost instant information, updated and specific. The physical library faced a similar fate with the post office.  
Diji Obadiah, 52, Project Manager, Kaduna

I visited the library last year but the internet has overtaken the National Library in Kaduna, even though there are some books and literature that you cannot find on the internet and if you have that reading culture, you will always visit the library. There are a lot of nursery rhymes that are not on the internet and a library is just like an archive. It is a resource institute that can never go extinct.
Mrs. Arit Etuk Okupe, 37, Cake Designer, Abuja

The last time I visited a library was ten years ago. It was in bad condition. Now I do my reading at home.