When the quest for vanity stretches too far!

These days’ adults, especially women, are not appreciating what nature has bestowed on them and feel that they have to do all it takes to be easily noticed in society. For them, the unusual attractions offered by this weird world are always greener and better than what they have in their kitty.Weekly Trust investigative insights […]

When the quest for vanity stretches too far!
When the quest for vanity stretches too far!

These days’ adults, especially women, are not appreciating what nature has bestowed on them and feel that they have to do all it takes to be easily noticed in society. For them, the unusual attractions offered by this weird world are always greener and better than what they have in their kitty.
Weekly Trust investigative insights revealed that many are now delusional about life itself. Most believe that whatever problems they are going through in life must have been caused by a fellow human being known and unknown.
It amazes to realise how fast people forget what most religious scriptures admonish.  Indeed, God has stated that most of the problems faced by humanity are life tests to make one stronger in faith and love towards Him. But humanity has refused to toe this path of wisdom.
For instance, Weekly Trust stumbled across an elderly woman who would obviously be in her mid or late 60’s, who came with   her daughter, to the shrine of a marabout. The mission of the duo, it was gathered, was simply to diabolically empower her daughter with   powers and charms that would enable her maintain a satanic grip on her husband.
“I have been telling her about it, but she refused to heed, claiming to be holier than thou. Now that things have gone out of hand, she wants it at all cost. I have told her, this is how I managed and kept her father under control till date, but she would look at me like a mad woman. Now who is crying?” The mother scornfully asked her daughter, who clinched her fists, with her head bent downwards.
Many have imagined, ‘What will become of a society that depends on mothers as the foundation of its peaceful sustenance, if mothers induct or encourage their daughters to indulge in such rituals?’
Another source wondered that “I never ever felt that things were so bad that they could not possibly get any worse? When faced with these problems, are marabouts the first solution that readily comes to your mind?”
“Have you ever wondered that these marabouts that you have ran to for help don’t live forever? They definitely do not live forever, if they had the solution to everything they should be able to defeat death and not die at all. If they die, then what excuse do you have to depend on these people with every bit of your body and soul forgetting that we have a creator? Why do humans always think this way?” it added.
Mrs .Hasssana Muhammed Adamu, a school principal in Abuja said, “It’s amazing when I hear of people who go to any length to make money in life. They go as far as patronising shrines and temples to get power and wealth. Why can’t we as humans for once think the other way, about the positive things that life has offered us and be glad for them? Too often, as part of the artificial culture we have imbibed from society, we spend all our time reaching for more, reaching for something better and not having time to pause to appreciate what we have. By not appreciating what we have, then we open the doors for negative thinking whereby we can stoop to the lowest level to do anything for vanity which eventually fades and vanishes no matter what” she says.
Observations suggest that women are used to being self- centred and full of pride when they have all the vanities of life.  In contrast,   once women lack any of these vanities, they feel dumped by society and become vulnerable to whatever can get them the attention they once enjoyed from people and the society.
Hajiya Bilkisu describes the lustful quest for wealth in society as greed. “Women who have greed for the pleasures and glitters of this life are those that would stoop so low to do anything in this world even if they are about to die. That is why most times the whole thing backfires on them and they end up being married to these fetish men as wives or sex slaves who at the end of everything, would just take undue advantage of their vulnerability. They can’t free themselves and have no choice than to remain with them for life”.
She adds, “Have you ever wondered how such men end up with beautiful damsels as wives? I leave you to answer that yourself. Women should refrain from greed and selfishness”.
Oluwatoyin Muhammed, a civil servant argues that such trends will continue for a long time as long as the society encourages such acts.
“Our culture encourages the worship of individuals who are wealthy not minding where or how they got their wealth. In the kind of society we live in, money dictates all, so long as we keep worshiping people who are wealthy, people will continue to stoop as low as they can to make money by any means possible, even if it involves taking the life of a fellow human being. We must stop worshiping the wealth of people, if this ungodly act must stop” Toyin said.
When you take an attitude of appreciation for whatever situation you find yourself in life, you become bigger than the obstacles that you face. Those who do not believe in God are those that easily fall prey to such atrocities. Remember whatever is not ordained by God never lasts. The earlier people, especially women who are inclined to the pursuit of vanities discards such inclinations, society would be better for it. It’s a time-tested axiom that everything that has a beginning surely has an end.