When was the last time you went for a medical checkup?

 My last check-up was in November 2016, about six months ago, so it has been a while. I don’t go every time  but I intend to make it a habit because of how importance health is as they say health is wealth, so it should not be played with. The reason why I went in […]

When was the last time you went for a medical checkup?

 My last check-up was in November 2016, about six months ago, so it has been a while. I don’t go every time  but I intend to make it a habit because of how importance health is as they say health is wealth, so it should not be played with. The reason why I went in November was because I wanted to know my health status and if any of my organs was functioning properly.

Sunday Titus, 28, Security Guard, Abuja

It has been a while since I went for a medical check-up. I believe it is more than two years. I only go to hospital when necessary. Even then the reason I last visited the hospital was because I had a complication in my arm, I broke it. So once it was checked and was taken care of, I never stepped a foot in the hospital again.

Mary Samaila, 20, House worker, Kafe

Honestly, I don’t even go to hospital. As we speak now, I am feverish and I am sure what I have is malaria. I already know what is wrong with me and how to handle it. Whatever is bothering me I simply sleep it off. No matter what it is, once I get enough sleep I become  well again, so there is simply no need to go to hospital.

Mohammed Kolawole, 54, Engineer, Illorin

The last time I went to the hospital for medical check-up was last in September last year. I thought it was important to know how my body was and its overall performance, so I went to the hospital and to see a doctor. I always try my best to make sure I go once a year. I now know the importance of that.

Richard Dickson, 34, Student, Gwarimpa Abuja

The last time I went for a medical check-up was two months ago. I just followed someone to the hospital and the person was doing a HIV test so I went ahead and checked myself up too. It is a good habit. I plan to go often now for my health.

Victor Ogah, 20, Cleaner, Abuja

The last time I went for a medical check-up was last week to meet requirements for a job application. Other than that, I don’t intend to go for check-ups. The procedures and protocols at hospitals are too many and it is not worth it. If I am sick I already know the symptoms so I self-diagnose myself and buy the proper medications or consult my brother. 

Abdullahi Ismaeel Aliyu, 25, Banker, Utako