Who should pay for the wedding party?

There has been much speculation in the society about who should pay for or sponsor the wedding party. Today however, most people believe the couple should pay for their own wedding, especially if they have lived on their own for some time. With this in mind, LifeXtra went to town and sought for people’s opinions. […]

Who should pay for the wedding party?

There has been much speculation in the society about who should pay for or sponsor the wedding party.

Today however, most people believe the couple should pay for their own wedding, especially if they have lived on their own for some time. With this in mind, LifeXtra went to town and sought for people’s opinions.

Taiwo Oluwatosin, married and a father of two, said “The groom should pay for the wedding party because that is how to know a man is financially capable and responsible. If he can’t, then the entire marriage might be in jeopardy in the long run. The bride can support him if she has the means.”

Oluwatosin however advised that the groom should sponsor a wedding party “according to his means. He should not go for the overkill.”

Citing a personal experience from his own wedding party, he said “I got a hall of less than a hundred persons capacity for my wedding party. In fact, I will say I didn’t even hold a wedding party because immediately after the ceremony, everyone was given a take-away pack of food, water and a bottle of drink.”

“I was able to achieve that because I didn’t invite much people and I also didn’t stress myself financially. Besides I wanted to go for honeymoon.”

Also speaking to LifeXtra, Francis Illoani, a journalist, said “The couple should pay because they are the ones getting married. Furthermore, the wedding reception is not important so if they choose to do it they should be willing and able to foot the bills.”

He added that “Whoever is more financially buoyant between the bride and groom should foot the bill or at least take the larger part of the expenses. And if their financial status is at par then the bill should be split equally.”

“This shouldn’t stop the family from contributing if they want to and have the means but the responsibility lies with the couple,” he reiterated.

Illoani added “If the woman is not working then the groom should foot the bill.”

Mohammed Ahmed, an educationist, says it depends on the means and the interest. “The groom may not be interested so the bride should foot the bill and vice versa.”

“By Interest here, I mean when someone is not interested in partying or public gathering. Besides, wedding reception and party is neither mandatory nor religious. If they are both interested then they should both foot the bill.”

Some others had a contrary view. Rabiyat Usman, a graduate, said “The father of the groom or the groom’s family should pay for the wedding party. This is because it is their son that is getting married and the girl is coming to their house. As such, they should prove that they can cater for the bride when she eventually comes.”

“It also gives the groom’s family a certain level of respectability. It makes the bride’s family feel that their daughter is not going to suffer.”

Rabiyat however stated “The bride can also foot the bill but it is more ideal for the groom’s family to do it.”