Whose choice is it – yours or his?

Unto him, the Glorious Quran was revealed. But despite that, he occasionally preferred that the Book be recited in his presence in order for him to partake in the beatitude of hearing the divine words. He would ask his companions to read the Quran for him to experience spiritual ecstasy. He had the whole Quran […]

Whose choice is it – yours or his?

Unto him, the Glorious Quran was revealed. But despite that, he occasionally preferred that the Book be recited in his presence in order for him to partake in the beatitude of hearing the divine words. He would ask his companions to read the Quran for him to experience spiritual ecstasy. He had the whole Quran in his heart; yet, he would request that the last testament be recited for him to hear.

Whenever he did, it was probably to teach yet new lessons; after all his vocation was that of a teacher, a guide, the torch-bearer, the illuminator, the separator.

By asking his companions to recite unto him that which he knew very well, it was probably to teach us that nothing benefits the teacher more than the opportunity to learn; that the leader would lead better whenever he experiences what it means to be led; that speakers and preachers of the message of the Almighty would do better whenever they take a break from their duty and, in return, receive admonition.

Thus, from the ‘desert’, the admonition came. It was written in Arabic. It was emblazoned with all those Arabic rhetorical devices that make the language the best of all known to humanity. Then I was awed; awed by the depth, solemnity, and sublimity of its message.

It reads- it is possible that some people may see you as pious, while others may see you as a base, depraved and villainous individual. But here is the reality- you alone know who you really are, nobody else.

The only secret in the world beyond the contemplation of humanity is the depth of your connection with your Creator. Therefore, let not the praise of praise-singers deceive you nor the declamations of the detractors affect you. As far as our Creator is concerned – ‘no human knows the other better than the self’ (Quran 75: 14).

Humanity belongs not to three but to two groups- sinners and obedient servants of the Almighty. The former, each time the sun rises, welcomes the appearance of the powers of His Majesty in the heavens by engaging in iniquities on the earth.

The latter, each time the cock crows at dawn, is struck by the awesome powers of the Ever-lasting. He knows that the cock that crows is like the griot in the village: it announces the birth of a new child into the world; it declares the departure of another soul from the world.

The third reality for humanity is the certainty of death and the uncertainty of its date. The believer therefore follows the injunctions of the Almighty with sincerity not out of cohesion.  He offers supererogatory prayers, by choice, in pursuance of divine redemption and salvation.

He knows that his redemption lies not anywhere else but in situating his affairs with Him, the Almighty. He knows that the Almighty profits not from the acts of obedience offered by His creatures; it is they who profit from being obedient to Him.

Therefore, let not your main concern be that of gaining people’s love and affection. How could you expect love and affection from those whose hearts are, by nature, fickle, nimble and changeable? Today, you could be the object of his love and affection; tomorrow, you could become detestable and execrable in his reckoning.

On the contrary, let your concern be how the Lord of the worlds would love you. The moment He loves, He would put your love in the heart of His creatures. If the Almighty hates you, the love that you crave from His creatures would be of no use to you.

Yes. That which is forbidden is forbidden even if the whole world perpetrates it. Separate yourself from the assemblage of the iniquitous; keep in mind that you shall be called to account for your deeds all alone, not in a group. ‘Be steadfast’ so says the Quran, ‘as you have been commanded” (Quran 42: 15), not in compliance with your desires.

Hardly are there more grievous sins than the ones usually committed in the hidden; nor are there greater rewards than for virtuous conducts carried out for His sake alone…

One of the scholars said: I supplicate to the Almighty each time I desire something; whenever He grants unto me my heart’s desire, I rejoice only once; but whenever He withholds approval of my desires, I rejoice several times.

The reason- approval of my desires is premised on my desires; the disapproval of my heart’s desires is based on the desires of He who knows the hidden. Nothing is more beautiful than trust in the Lord of the worlds. He knows; we do not know.