Why all Nigerians must embrace change

The fastest way Nigerians can save, change and make the country great is for everyone of us leaders and followers to practise and promote politics of nationalism, patriotism, unity, service to humanity and religious tolerance. We must condemn politics of ethnicity, tribalism and religious fanaticism because despite our diverse ethnic groups, we are one people, […]

Why all Nigerians must embrace change

The fastest way Nigerians can save, change and make the country great is for everyone of us leaders and followers to practise and promote politics of nationalism, patriotism, unity, service to humanity and religious tolerance. We must condemn politics of ethnicity, tribalism and religious fanaticism because despite our diverse ethnic groups, we are one people, one nation, one destiny.
I have observed that at work, school, church, mosque and even in sports/entertainment, we are one, but once politics is mentioned, every Nigerian begins to think of his state/region.
The time has come for us to see ourselves as one ethnic entity called Nigeria. It is when we are one that we can demand that government provides us with the basic necessities of life, which include shelter, education, potable water, health care, good roads, employment and decent wages.
Change will not come if we wait for someone from another country to bring it. We are the change that we seek, and it is important that we all understand that. The Press and other relevant bodies  should wake up to their duties and enlighten Nigerians on the need to embrace change. We must be ready to shun all corrupt practices for this country to grow.
Feyisetan Akeeb Kareem wrote from Aniocha-South Local Government Area, Delta State